After Little Big Horn – Dirty Sex Tales

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It was a couple of months after The Battle Of The Little Big Horn and America was still reeling over the loss of General Custer and his men, many farms had been raided by the Indians leaving many dead, many farmers had moved their families closer to the towns or forts but a few stubborn fool hardy ones had refused to move. 17 year old John was at his neighbours ranch a few miles from their own he was watching his younger brother Mark repairing a fence, while Sara and her three young sisters Helen Tracy and Kim the daughters of their neighbours washed clothes in a bucket, he saw their brother 16 year old Steve feeding the hens, their parents had gone into town John hated Steve because he was gay. John started making his way to the ranch house was half way there when Mark yelled out look Indians, John spun round saw a big band of Indians, he yelled inside, everyone ran and soon they were all inside the house, they barricade the door and shuttered the windows as they had practised many times, the boys got their rifles ready and took up positions at the firing slots in the windows, the  girls huddled together in a corner. Steve said “they are only about our age” John knew they were still dangerous and told the others so. The Indians were all young in aged about 18 there were about 200 of them and with a big yell charged the house, the boys opened fire and a few braves fell the rest continued the attack. After half a hour Sara yelled “the roof is on fire” and tried throwing water at it, suddenly the door was broken down Indians poured in and soon had all inside overpowered, they were taken outside and tied to posts in the ground. One brave who was obviously the leader stepped forward used his knife and sliced through Steve’s clothes which fell to ground leaving him naked, he then did the same to Mark and John, Steve looked at the two naked boys said “nice cocks” John glared at Steve told him to piss off, Sara was also staring at the two boys thinking her brother is right, when the girls were stripped Mark’s dick went from it’s 5 inch soft state to a 7 inch erection while John got a 9 inch erection Steve was already erect at 8 inches. The chief untied Steve led him into the barn, after a short while 2 braves untied John took him to the barn when he got there he saw Steve stood beside the chief, Steve said “this is big eyes I have known him for ages he is a good friend which is why your not dead” John was tied to the stall posts unable to move, Steve said “you nice big fat cock” John replied “fuck off you queer cunt”. Steve went forward and took John’s dick in his hand and started to stroke it, John could do nothing to stop him, Steve carried on gently stroking and after 5 minutes to his horror John erupted in 4 big spurts, Steve said “nice amount of spunk now for the part I have dreamt about for ages he moved behind John and slid his 8 inch throbbing erection up Johns virgin bum making him scream out, Steve started to pound away into John pushing in as hard as he could. Outside Sara was laying on the ground as the forth buck pounded away into her Sara was breathing heavy and enjoying what was happening to her, her younger sisters were each being forced to take turns to stroke Mark’s throbbing dick, Mark was surprised how good it felt despite their young age they were good at it and soon Mark gushed in 3 spurts, Inside the barn John felt a warm flush in his bum and realised that John had cum. Suddenly there was a big shout from the braves outside and the sound of a bugle, the chief ran, there was the sound of gun fire, Mark saw the troopers chasing the Indians as they fled. After a hour John and the others were on their way to the fort in the back of an army wagon. At the fort they were fussed over by their parents who told them they had seen the Indians but could not do anything except get the army. John denied anything had happened to him saying the Indian had been trying to get info out of him and Steve but they had told him nothing. Later that night John was soaking in the wooden tub in the small window less room of the fort when Steve walked in, Jon looked at him said “close the fucking door” Steve did, John got out the tub walked to the door pushed the bar across securing the door turned looked at John said “what’s it going to cost to keep you quiet about you fucking my ass” Steve looked at John’s soft dick and smiled as it grew to full erection and start to throb, Steve walked over to John said “bend over the tub” John did so and soon felt Steve’s dick slide up his bum this time he did not scream out.

This story After Little Big Horn appeared first on new sex story dot com