Anniversary Marking

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She had been with her master for six months now. He had mentioned a number of times over the past month he would be doing something special to mark their six month anniversary.

He had told her they had an appointment at 12:00. She was to shower, shave as usual, and he had selected the clothes she was to wear. He had chosen a nice little outfit, short skirt, a tight little top and high heels. No underwear of course but no-one would know that. She was looking forward to the day as she dressed. She wondered what they would be doing, thinking he might be taking her somewhere nice for lunch. Maybe a bottle of wine, then back home to cuddle up in bed together and spend the afternoon making love.

He didn’t normally allow her the pleasure of being in his bed and making love. His usual treatment of her would be to have her naked at his feet to be treated as his pet dog. He liked nothing better than watching her cower as he brought his belt down hard across her arse, or seeing her splutter and gag as he put his cock in her mouth, laughing as he emptied his bladder into her mouth. But it was their six month anniversary and he had promised something special to mark the occasion.

They left home at 11.30, heading towards the city, then further north till they came to a small group of shops in a side street. She wasn’t sure where she was. There didn’t appear to be any restaurants nearby. “Come on my little slut.” I followed as my master hopped out of the car and walked a couple of doors down to a shop. I swallowed as I saw what type of shop it was – a Tattooist.

I knew better than to say anything as I followed him inside. But I hoped he wasn’t planning to give me a tattoo. I really didn’t like them on girls, and wondered how I could get out of this. Inside the shop a large biker type of guy was behind the counter, great big arms covered in tatts, bald head and long beard. He looked me up and down, focusing on my bare legs and short skirt. Smiling and nodding, he looked at my master, “So this is the girl you’d like your mark on. I think I’m going to enjoy this.”

I felt even more nervous after his comment. They had obviously discussed what they had in mind, and I wasn’t liking the sound of it. But I knew if I didn’t follow my master’s orders he would discard me and find a new slave and I didn’t want that.

“Through here.” The tattooist led us through a curtained doorway to a back room. A long narrow table was in the center of the room with a low stool at the end. The walls were covered in shelves, filled with a variety of evil looking instruments and different colored inks. On the table was a folder the tattooist picked up. “This is what I drew up after our conversation.” He took out some drawings, showing them to my master. I couldn’t see what was on them as the two of them discussed the different pages. After a few minutes of discussion, my master made his decision and placed on the table in front of me the drawing he had chosen. I felt a little bit of relief when I saw the result as it was quite small. Not much more than 1cm across, it was a small red circle outlined in blue. In the middle of the circle was the letter P also in blue. Obviously the ‘P’ representing Master Peter.

“I am having you marked so people will know you are my property.” My Master told me. “The tattoo is a semi permanent type which lasts 3 months. Therefore each 3 months you will be taken to a tattooist for a new mark. Now lie back on the table so we can see where to place my mark.”

The tattooist sat on the stool at the end of the table, and I was trying to push my skirt down as master pushed me back onto the table, knowing the tattooist would be able to see I wasn’t wearing any underwear. But my master slapped my hands away, and taking hold of my ankles, he pushed my legs to my chest, completely exposing my naked shaved pussy. I felt my face go red in complete embarrassment as the two men discussed the best position for my tattoo. Four hands pulling and prodding at my pussy lips, deciding how close to my labia my master’s mark was to be placed.

They finally agreed where to position the mark and the process began. I was ordered to lie completely still as I heard the whir of the tattoo machine turned on. I could feel the fat fingers of the tattooist as he pushed my labia aside to make a nice flat surface for his artwork. I could feel his hot breath between my legs as he leant over me, the pricking of the tattoo machine jabbing at my tender skin. Sometimes almost tickling more than hurting.

To my humiliation I began to become aroused as he worked. I could feel my cunt beginning to throb and I knew my juices were beginning to flow. I tried to think of something else to stop my arousal, but just then my Master twisted his hand through my hair. Pulling my head towards him, he unzipped his pants, and taking out his hard cock he began to fuck my mouth.

Moaning, I accepted his penis deep in my throat. I could feel my juices beginning to seep out now. The tattooist gave a deep laugh as he began to push his thick fingers inside me, still continuing with the tattoo with his other hand. The tattooist finished his work just as my master ejaculated his sperm down the back of my throat.

My legs were spread wide as the two men examined the mark of my master. I knew they would be able to see the glistening of my juices on my pussy lips as the looked at me. “It will only take a few days to completely heal. ” the tattooist said. “I suggest you use her back passage till then.” Someone’s fingers smeared the juices from my pussy down to my arse.

“We’d better pay you for your services and get going.” Master helped me up from the table, then smiling at me, he turned me round and pushed me forward across the table. Lifting my skirt, he spread my arse cheeks as I heard trousers being unzipped and the grunting of the tattooist as his hard fat cock was pushed into my arse.

– The End –

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Athena is a passionate writer who loves to explore the world of erotic storytelling. Since 2017, he has been collecting stories from around the internet and publishing them in one place for everyone to enjoy.