Now it was a life of daily sleeping and sexing with multiple men, randomly receiving hardcore and normal sex…. 8 To 10 boys each day….. Morning organism, mourning hardcore squirts…… Sex, pains, nail and teeth bites, rashes, rupture and vagina bleedings…
By now we were 14 Indian Girls and 22 boys in this group.., Boys from different parts of India and abroad… Indians, Nepalis, Bangladeshis, Arabians – Omanis, Kenyan, Nigerians and other Asians, Africans and Arabians… No ancestry, language, history, society, culture, nation, religion, or residence ever discriminated a single member of the group…. Rules were formulated::- parties, boys and girls randomly sleeping at least 5 days a week.. Rest from work was optional but not more than two days ( with permission, or on medical recommendation for rest – prescribed by Doctor in charge ).. There should not be any emotional giving in the group… Every girl and every boy need to have sex with each other irrespective of ethnic diversities,… Without prioritization, personnel likes… Every boy and girl to make it a reality that every girl had mated with every boy in the group in the week compulsorily…. Black man, white man, Asians, multi ethnic group..
Last year in June -2019 a Dubai based firm, involved in porn and sex event organizing, approached our team….. It was selection for the event named “Real world ADAM & EVE in 21st century- Fornication and Adulatory..”… To be organized in a nation where open sex and prostitution is legal.
.. The selection process started with nude shows, nude discussions…. Discussions-focusing on the behavior and “vagina reactions to hot shows” / vagina mouth opening / leaking time delay, followed by medical tests / screening for venereal diseases ( HIV, STI ), and imaging of crucial and sensitive organs for sensual and sexuality scoring..
All together me from my place and another seven girls from other parts of India were qualified and selected for participating the Event…. But no boys could make it to the event. Not got selected for one of the following reasons:
Physical standards
General Physique- BP, Echo, etc…
Pee pressure
Dick strength, Dick Shaft dimension / ratios
Sperm spit pressure,
Sperm count.. / Sperm pour point.. /
Testes capacity / Sperm producing Capacity
Session / Climax Delay time
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Capacity / frequency to perform sex for a month, with frequently changing partners at very short intervals.
Was shifter to Mumbai and was kept in Chamber near a Big Hospital for further Medical tests and for Beauty and vigor enhancement… Followed by regular attentions by beauticians, massage,.. Prescribed Dietary plan, multivitamins and other pills.. Ointment and creams / medications for vagina tissue flexibility enhancing, anti aging and to withstand rough intercourse…. Limits in sex… Once in 3 days with selected partners of Mumbai Escort services….
Tanzania visa was issued to me and others participants through new and efficient electronic Tanzania visa system..
On 27 August… I was escorted out to Der es Salaam, boarding on a Emirates flight – I was kept in a Resort for 3 days, and again all formalities on post immigration,… Event officials conducted further medical tests an other norms.. Including Boob mammogram, sigmoidoscopy and also vaginoscopy, colposcopy of entire vagina, with cervix which is 1″ long in my vagina,…, Vagina fluid tests the Genecology consultations…. After clearing all the tests I was shifted to Zanzibar, an Island where the event was scheduled to be organized…
In Zanzibar again a doctor inserted the speculum into my vagina and gently opened it during a test… Doctor warmed up and lightly lubricated the speculum before inserting it to help make me more comfortable…… My vagina opening was too small… Pink lips were intact… And unlike other sex workers my vagina was soft clean and walls were maintained… ( Speculum is a tool, made of steel, rod like, doctors use during pelvic exam… To spread and hold open your vaginal walls during an exam. This allows them to see your vagina and cervix more easily. Without the speculum, your doctor won’t be able to do a comprehensive pelvic exam. )
I will write from my Diary on the event in my next Blog… Pls feel free to respond and comment at my mail [email protected] or my business account [email protected] … With lot of LOVE, I stop here… Rest in next…
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