Barnyard Orgy Part 3 – Dirty Sex Tales

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Chapter 5
It was a blazing sunny afternoon, and the fresh country air had cleared  
Harlan’s head. He was on his way back to the farm, and he felt like  
singing, but instead he listened to Tyler and Seth discuss their doings  
last night with Candy Lee. So it was true after all – what Seth had  
claimed happened last night.
 “Oh, and didn’t she cuss us out when she peeled off in her big  
Lincoln? ” Seth said, slapping Tyler’s knee.
 “Swore like a trooper, ” Tyler said.  “Called us every damn name under  
the sun. ”
 “And we just stood there and laughed, Pa, ” Seth said.  “You shoulda seen  
us. ”
Harlan smiled, shifting the pickup into second gear as they neared the  
crest of a steep hill.  “Piss on her, eh? Well, I guess you young ’uns  
could afford to chuckle at her mean-mouthing and name-calling after  
you’d pissed on her. ”
He shifted the truck back into third, and they coasted down the  
backside of the hill.
 “Pissed on her and down her throat, ” Seth said.
 “Down her throat? ” Harlan said.  “You boys is shitting me now. ”
Harlan listened to both boys swear they’d pissed down her throat. The  
more he listened to the two boys, the more he questioned whether he  
should believe any of their story. At the same time, they sounded  
mighty convincing, and Harlan did want to believe their story. It was  
the best story he’d heard in years, and it kind of made up for the  
story Cal had told him this morning about Jenny Kane and Lynn Smith.  
Seth and Tyler had done justice to that bitch city woman, Candy Lee.  
And that was good. Too bad, though, that they couldn’t have got hold of  
Jenny Kane and Lynn Smith instead. Those were the two meanest city  
bitches Harlan had ever heard of, and after listening to their foul  
mouths last night he was churning inside with anger toward them.
 “How’s Delbert doing back there? ” Harlan asked to get his mind off  
Jenny and Lynn.
Seth and Tyler, sitting side by side – Seth in the middle, and Tyler  
next to the passenger door of the pickup – swung their heads to look  
through the rear window.
 “Laying on that pile of gunny sacks and sleeping like an old hound  
dog, ” Seth said.  “His hair’s blowing in the wind like a horse’s tail,  
but he’s sleeping like he ain’t never gonna wake up. ”
Harlan chuckled. He’d had to carry Delbert from Ruby’s bed – where Ruby  
had been herself sleeping like Rip Van Winkle – and he’d thrown the  
snoring boy on the pile of gunny sacks in the open rear box of the  
pickup. He’d safety-pinned a sack around the boy’s naked loins, making  
him look like a naked baby in a gunny sack diaper. Delbert would likely  
wake up cussing with itchy balls, but the boy had grown too big for  
Harlan to attempt to dress him while the boy was knocked out.
 “He’ll likely sleep for a week, ” Harlan said.  “The fool boy fucked  
himself near to death. ”
Seth and Tyler laughed. Seth slumped in his seat and plopped his large  
bare feet up on the dash board, and Tyler did the same. Within a few  
minutes, both boys closed their eyes and began snoring.
Lazy young ’uns, Harlan thought. Don’t want to do nothing but fuck and  
The pickup was moving through open country now. Shoulder-high midsummer  
corn waved like grasses on the hills to the right and left. That  
summery scent of sun and sweet clover rode on the wind through the open  
windows. Harlan felt drowsy. His cock was bone hard, and he rubbed his  
prick as he drove. Somewhere along the way he was going to have to stop  
and jerk himself off. His cock felt like his prick was about to split  
down the middle. Ruby Adams, Candy Lee, Jenny Kane, Lynn Smith – he  
couldn’t get any of those bitches out of his mind. He’d never raped a  
female before, but if any of those bitches were to appear to him now,  
he’d stop the truck and fuck their bitch city asses right there in the  
middle of the road.
Seth and Tyler snored in unison. Their four big feet lay plastered  
against the windshield, and their chins slumped onto their bare chests.  
Tyler’s jeans were as worn out and faded as Seth’s, and Harlan could  
see the boy’s hard prick throbbing in his pants. Tyler’s prick wasn’t  
enormous – no more than eight inches, Harlan guessed – but it was still  
a respectable size, big enough to choke Candy Lee near to death. Lucky  
goddamn pricks, Harlan thought, imagining the two boys fucking Candy  
 “Shit! ” Harlan said.  “Goddamnit! ” He had half a mind to turn the truck  
right around and to speed back to the city and find himself a city  
bitch to fuck with his aching ten inches.
That wouldn’t work, though. The hogs needed feeding. And two days worth  
of chores had piled up. They had to get back to the farm. All that work  
to do.
He was glad now that he’d agreed to bring Tyler along. The boy was  
going to stay for a few weeks, and he’d promised to help with the  
chores. A good strong boy, same size as Seth – that was Tyler. And  
Harlan could sure use the extra help.
Shit, Harlan thought, maybe Tyler would be enough of a help that Harlan  
himself could rest a few days, maybe sneaking back to the city to enjoy  
a fuck vacation like Delbert had enjoyed yesterday. He needed a rest,  
needed some good tight fucking – surely he did. In five years now, ever  
since his wife had died, Harlan had done hardly any fucking. No  
slippery-cunted wife around to slide his prick inside, and the young  
’uns abandoning the farm one at a time, with only Seth and Delbert left  
– shit, it wasn’t fair. He was working harder and harder and fucking  
less and less. It wasn’t right. Shit, he deserved a restful week in the  
city, fucking every bitch he could lay his hands on.
 “Damn right! ” Harlan said out loud.  “Goddamn right! ” He grabbed his  
cock and squeezed, feeling the hot sensations shoot through the core.  
He felt his eyes roll.
Up ahead, amidst the heat waves rising from the blacktop a half mile  
off, Harlan thought he saw figures dancing. So horny I’m hallucinating,  
he thought. Next thing you know I’ll see scarecrow dancing out of the  
cornfields and parading down the road like a marching band. He shook  
 “Wake up, boy. What’s that you see up ahead? ”
Seth sat up, rubbing his eyes.  “What, Pa? ”
 “Up ahead, near the top of that hill. Accident or something? ” As the  
truck drew closer, Harlan could see tiny figures standing in the middle  
of the road, jumping up and down and waving their arms. A blob of  
bright yellow was perched next to the figures, reflecting the intense  
 “Car trouble, maybe, ” Seth said.
Next to him, Tyler sat up and leaned forward to take a look.
They were a quarter-mile away now.
 “Hey, ” Tyler said,  “I know that car. Only one car like it I ever seen.  
Can’t be more than one. Yellow Corvette. Belongs to a rich cunt called  
Jenny Kane. ”
Harlan braked the truck, and the boys braced their hands on the dash  
board to save their heads from the windshield.  “Jenny Kane, you say? ”
Harlan could make out the jumping figures now. They were two females  
for sure – shaped like hourglasses.
 “That’s right, ” Tyler said.  “You know her? Hangs around with another  
bitch called Lynn. Big-shots around town. Ain’t worth stopping to help.  
Once they get what they want they’ll spit in your eye. ”
 “We’ll see about that, ” Harlan said.  “They know you, Tyler? They know  
you on sight or by name? ”
 “Fuck no, ” Tyler said.  “They won’t look twice at anybody who ain’t  
rich. Now if I was to drive a Rolls Royce, and if I was to get my hair  
cut once a week at the beauty shop and put on fancy clothes, why then  
they might notice I’m alive. ”
 “Don’t worry, boy, ” Harlan said.  “Just play along with whatever I say,  
and maybe we can get those bitches riding your dong. ”
 “No way, ” Tyler said.
 “Just play along, boy. Hear? And you too, Seth. ”
Harlan pulled the pickup onto the shoulder of the road behind the  
yellow Corvette. Jenny and Lynn, looking like a set of Playboy  
centerfold twins in their bare feet, their slick tennis shorts, and  
their matching yellow bikini tops, came running up to the side of the  
truck, their waist-length hair trailing behind them in the breeze.
 “Oh, thank God! ” the blond one said, smiling coquettishly with polished  
teeth.  “Can you help us? Our car broke down. ”
 “Yes, ” the brunette said with the same smile.  “Our car broke down  
twenty minutes ago, and you’re the first people to come along. ”
 “We’ll see what we can do, ” Harlan said.
 “Meanwhile, you two fine ladies climb in here and rest yourselves.  
Dang, your pretty feet are likely blistered from the asphalt. Mighty  
hot day. Seth and Tyler, get out so the ladies can rest themselves. ”
 “Yes, sir, ” the boys said in unison.
Harlan and the two boys checked out the Corvette while the two girls  
sat inside the pickup cab, nudging each other and giggling. Giggle your  
damn tits off, Harlan thought. It’s the last giggling you’ll be doing  
for a spell.
 “Looks like they’re out of gas, ” Seth said.
 “OK, ” Harlan said.  “You two young ’uns ride in back with Delbert. When  
we get them bitches to the farm, we’re all gonna have more fun with ’em  
than the two of you had with Candy Lee. ”
The boys got wide-eyed for a moment, then both grinned.
 “You’re out of gas, ladies, ” Harlan said, sliding in beside the two  
girls.  “Our farm’s up the road a spell. Come along for some ice-cold  
lemonade, and then we’ll bring you back here with a couple cans of gas,  
enough to get you wherever you was going. ”
 “Carver Lake, ” the blond said.  “We and a lot of other kids are having a  
big party there tonight and tomorrow. ”
 “We’ll get you going in plenty of time, ” Harlan said.  “By the way, we  
ain’t been introduced. ”
 “Jenny, ” the blond said,  “and my friend is Lynn. ”
 “Pleased to meet you both, ” Harlan said.  “I’m Harlan, and those are my  
worthless young ’uns in the back. ”
The girls laughed, and Harlan grinned.
Go on and laugh your fool heads off, Harlan thought as he started the  
truck. You won’t be laughing long. As he pulled out onto the road, his  
cock was jumping like a fish out of water.
Chapter 6
If the ropes didn’t hurt so much, cutting into her tender skin, Jenny  
would swear she was having a nightmare. This was the type of thing she  
saw in the movies or heard on the news, not something that could ever  
really happen to her.
But each time she moved, each time she breathed, she was painfully  
aware of the reality of the situation. Her heart was thudding, she was  
having trouble breathing, and she was sick to her stomach. For the  
first time in her life, Jenny thought she might faint. Tears streamed  
out of her and she finally gave up fighting the ropes that bound her.  
The more she fought, the tighter they got and the more they hurt. Her  
arms and legs were already numb. She wished to God that Lynn would stop  
Stop your goddamn squirming, she wanted to shout. Can’t you see you’re  
just making it worse? She’d have shouted that at Lynn had her own mouth  
not been stuffed with a wadded-up wool stocking, the stinking sock that  
the old bastard had pulled off his smelly foot and shoved into her  
mouth before tying the gag rope around her head. Thank God she hadn’t  
vomited. She would have choked herself to death, would have drowned on  
a lungful of vomit.
Lynn stopped struggling, hopefully having come to the same conclusion  
as herself – that struggling was only making the ropes hurt more. They  
were bound together – herself and Lynn ass to ass and back to back.  
They were on their sides – Lynn on her left side, Jenny on her right  
side – in the hot dust of a barn yard. The sun was intense, blinding  
Jenny and making her sweat like she couldn’t remember ever having sweat  
before. Salty sweat ran into her eyes, making them itch and burn. Sweat  
oozed under the coarse ropes binding her arms and legs, and the raw  
areas caused by her struggling against the tight ropes were stinging.  
She and Lynn were bound together like mummies, legs stretched out  
straight, crisscrossing ropes wound around their bodies from head to  
They were both stark naked, and their sweating flesh was glued  
together. Lynn’s skin felt hot against Jenny, irritably hot. You  
goddamn hot bitch, Jenny thought. Cool off, damn it.
A fly landed on Jenny’s nose and walked up and down it despite Jenny’s  
attempts to shoo it away by wrinkling her nose and wincing. She stared  
at the fly, cross-eyed, saw it rubbing its hairy black legs together.  
Shitting on me, she thought, and she jerked, causing the ropes to slice  
into her flesh at the same time the fly buzzed off. Lynn groaned  
sharply, sounding angry.
 “Well, well, how you girlies getting along? ” came the voice Jenny  
despised more than any of the others. It was Harlan, the leader of this  
clan of smelly, psychotic hillbillies. She could see his big naked feet  
now pounding in the dust close to her face. This farm was like a nudist  
Harlan squatted. His huge, sausage-like prick dangled against her nose.  
His cock reeked – uncircumcised and probably unwashed for months. One  
of his sons was uncircumcised, too – the one he called Seth. It was,  
disgusting. Uncircumcised pricks smelled. Jenny had refused ever to  
touch one. Now she had one practically shoved up her nostril. She tried  
to hold her breath for awhile, but that was impossible. She breathed  
sharply, taking in life-giving air along with the nauseating scent of  
the old man’s cock. She wished she were dead.
 “Enjoying yourselves? ” Harlan taunted.  “Nice day. Good day for a party.  
Me and the young ’uns decided to save you some gas. You can have your  
party right here. No need to drive all the way up to Carver Lake.  
That’s why we brung your fancy yellow car up here to the farm, so you  
can party without worrying about your poor car abandoned out there on  
the highway. We’ll be partying shortly, soon as we take care of a few  
chores. The young ’uns is working like a pack of corn huskers so they  
can get done quick and begin partying. Well, take it easy now, and  
don’t fret. We’ll all be by shortly to commence partying. ”
His rough fingers closed around Jenny’s nipples, and he pinched hard.  
She swore at the top of her lungs, but the words never sounded,  
absorbed by Harlan’s rotted sock.
 “Calm down, ” Harlan said.  “I know you can hardly wait, with your itchy  
clit. Just rest easy. Ain’t you never heard of work before pleasure? I  
know you’re dying to suck my cock, but you’ve gotta wait. All there is  
to it. ”
Harlan farted, a huge stinking fart. Unbearable. Jenny visualized  
herself turning green. She closed her eyes and held her breath. When  
she opened her eyes again and strained for air, Harlan was gone, but  
his horrible fart still hovered around her head. Jenny wept. She hadn’t  
cried since she’d been a small girl, but she cried now. That man was an  
animal. She had never been so humiliated. If she ever got away from  
this place alive, he’d pay for this. Her revenge would be infinite and  
What a deceptive devil this man Harlan was! He’d been a gentleman,  
bowing and smiling worse than any of the suckers in town, the men she  
and Lynn had enticed into bed for the purpose of blackmail. The irony  
had been that those suckers had treated them like princesses, had wined  
and dined them, had made passionate love to their pubescent bodies, and  
in the process these men had been damning themselves, had been setting  
themselves up for unending blackmail. On the way to the farm in the  
pickup, Jenny had seen in Harlan the ultimate sucker, the ultimate ass-
kissing male. The man had appeared to be as tickled as a peasant in the  
presence of his queen. He was a psycho. Jenny imagined herself now as  
the stupid little girl who had accepted candy from a stranger and ended  
up – it was too horrible to even think about that now.
The sun rained down like acid. The breeze kicked up dust and whirled it  
up Jenny’s nose. The air smelled of pig shit. Flies continued to land  
on Jenny’s sweaty body, making her flesh itch. She squeezed her eyes  
shut, willing herself away from this place, willing herself up at the  
party at Carver Lake, a can of cold beer in one hand, a cigarette in  
the other, she and Lynn surrounded by a few dozen worshipping young  
males, young males with rich parents and big cars. The sexual tension  
in the air would be enough to make the boys cream, but she and Lynn  
would choose only two lucky boys to lick their asses tonight. They’d  
choose the cream of the crop. Jenny Kane and Lynn Smith only accepted  
the best – the richest, the handsomest. Everybody knew that. Jenny Kane  
and Lynn Smith stood on top, the envy of every female in town, the  
perfect and rarely obtainable fruit desired by every last male in town.  
They were Cleopatra and Salome. They were goddesses. And Jenny was the  
golden goddess, the most desired of the desired. All bowed to her.
 “I want this one, ” came the cracking pubescent voice.  “Wow, she’s got  
better tits than Ruby. ”
The little monster, brown as a jungle savage, scampered on his hands  
and knees in the dust. Jenny saw his turquoise eyes glint in the sun  
like the gemstone eyes of a pagan idol. His white teeth flashed, and he  
panted like a dog and sat back on his heels grinning at her. He was  
filthy with sweat and the smell of hay and manure. His cock was the  
largest Jenny had ever seen. His prick stood halfway up his belly,  
beating his muscle ridges with its apple-sized prickhead.
At least it’s circumcised, Jenny thought. If I have to suck one of the  
filthy things, let it be his.
 “Hold off there, boy, ” came the thick voice of Harlan.  “You and Tyler  
get the other one first. Me and Seth are particular to this blond one. ”
 “But, Pa! ” the boy whined.
 “But nothing. Do as we discussed or get to work on the chores we ain’t  
finished yet. ”
 “Oh, fuck! ” said the boy.
 “That’s what I’m aiming to do, ” Harlan said.  “Just as soon as we get  
these pretty ladies untied. Oh, look how they’s all sweaty and red-
faced. They’s raring to go. You can tell that. ” He caught Jenny’s left  
nipple between his dirty toes and tweaked it.
Jenny moaned. She hated the man, but she hated even more the feelings  
his filthy toes squeezed through her tit. Her cunt contracted, and  
immediately fuck juice oozed out between her cunt-lips. It was  
unbearable – to get turned on by the toe-tweak of this gross, smelly  
old farmer.
 “She’s hot, ” the boy they called Seth said. He was standing over her,  
stroking her lips with his dirty toes. His uncircumcised prick, as  
mammoth as the youngest boy’s and the old man’s, flicked off a hot gob  
of precum, which glued itself to Jenny’s nose like a drop of hot wax.
 “Dang right she’s hot, ” the old man said.  “So let’s get at her before  
she cools off. ”
Hands rough as the ground upon which Jenny lay began untying the ropes,  
horny fingernails gouging her flesh. She watched the uncircumcised  
cocks of father and son throb as the men freed her. The purple heads of  
both enormous cocks peeked out from their fleshy foreskins, both  
dripping precum like jellied sharks. The air reeked with the scent of  
uncircumcised cockheads, the rancid aroma overpowering even the horrid  
smell of pig shit. As the rough hands yanked the smelly sock out of  
Jenny’s mouth, she gagged, then gagged again and again, but she vomited  
nothing. Her stomach was empty.
 “Little sow’s taken sick, ” Harlan said.  “Likely not enough to eat. You  
know these city women, Seth, always dieting. Why we’ll take care of  
that. Give her some good old cockmeat to chew on. ”
The old man was sitting on her tits now, staring down at her like the  
devil himself, and grinning at her out of his snarled gray beard. His  
teeth were yellow, his eyes a watery blue. Gray hair covered his belly  
and chest. His cock smelled worse than was imaginable, the slippery  
head of his prick beating off precum on her chin. In the background  
somewhere, Lynn was begging to be let go as Tyler and the little boy  
dragged her off. Jenny couldn’t worry about Lynn now, though. All she  
could think of was the slimy cock rubbing her lips and cheeks, rubbing  
its terrible stink into her skin. The smell would be permanent in her  
flesh, like cum stains on her panties.
 “Lick that hog, ” the old man growled.  “Suck that hog clean. ”
Slimy precum covered Jenny’s lips, seeping into her mouth. The smell of  
the old man’s cock roared through her nasal passages like ammonia  
fumes, making her skull expand. She winced as if she’d been slapped  
across the face, and then, as if she’d been suddenly possessed by a  
demon, she licked the slimy cockhead, licked and kissed his prickhead,  
and her loins filled with sexual tingles. She was hot between the legs.  
Fuck juice oozed out of her. She hated the old man more than she had  
ever hated anyone in her life, but she took his cock into her mouth and  
began cleaning his filthy prickmeat, infuriated that the touch of his  
cockmeat to her lips should fill her with such a crude lust, detesting  
herself for savoring the rancid cheesy flavor while she swallowed scrud  
and precum eagerly.
 “That’s it, girly, ” Harlan said.  “Work your pretty tongue between the  
head-meat and the foreskin. Clean it all out in there. I ain’t had a  
good head bath in quite a spell. Now, that feels downright  
pleasureful. ”
As Jenny whirled her tongue slowly around his hot, throbbing cockhead,  
licking out every tasty crevice, the old man began to hump, fucking his  
cock deeper into her mouth, forcing the foreskin back and forth over  
the head. The man’s cockhead slipped into Jenny’s throat completely  
uncapped – naked and burning hot. Three quarters of his huge cock  
fucked her mouth now, and the arteries of his rock-hard cockshaft  
fluttered against her lips. Precum rolled down her throat. Jenny’s head  
seemed to be filled with cock. Suddenly, incredibly, she longed to  
taste the old farmer’s hot jism, and she began to bob her head and to  
suck as if she were sucking off some handsome rich boy’s cock. The old  
man’s cock slid farther down her throat, the silky hot head massaging  
her sensitive throat-flesh. Her nose twisted in his wiry gray pubic  
hair now, every inch of his cock buried in her face.
 “Christ, Pa, ” Seth said.  “Christ! ”
 “Ain’t she a pretty sucking bitch? ” Harlan said. The old man had braced  
his hands on the ground and was humping savagely, fucking his enormous  
cock in and out of Jenny’s face.
Jenny’s head filled with tingles. The tingles spread down her throat  
and through her tits. Another bundle of sexual feelings pulsated in her  
loins, and she wrapped her naked legs around each other and began to  
squeeze her thighs together rhythmically, squashing her slippery pussy-
lips together, working her clit between them, aching for an orgasm,  
aching to come at the same moment that the earthy farmer began spurting  
down her throat.
You’re crazy, she kept telling herself. This is humiliating, degrading.  
You hate this man. You hate doing this. You would kill this man and his  
bastard sons if you could. Bite his cock off, wrench his balls with  
your fingernails. Show him he’s dealing with Jenny Kane.
But at the same time these thoughts hurled through her mind, the old  
man’s enormous cock rubbed pleasure into her lips and gums and throat.
The hot cock tasted horrible, but her taste buds craved to taste even  
more of his prick, craved an even cheesier, more masculine taste. The  
old man was a salty dog, a seasoned fucker, and she couldn’t get enough  
of his cock, enough of his thick precum, enough of his throbbing  
masculinity. As one part of her mind screamed kill, another part of her  
mind begged come. Come, you salty bastard. Shoot that hot cockjuice  
down my throat!
 “Oh, she’s sucking like a vacuum cleaner now! ” Harlan gasped.  “She’s  
got a cunt-tight throat, Seth, and her tongue’s slipping and sliding  
like a snake. Oh, Jesus, I can feel the cream foaming up in my nuts. ”
 “Shoot it, Pa! ” Seth urged. The boy was bending down close to Jenny’s  
face, watching his dad’s cock fuck in and out of her mouth, pumping his  
own cock all the while, popping his juicy purple prickhead in and out  
of the foreskin.  “Cream her, Pa. Make her choke on it. ”
Jenny tightened her mouth and throat, trying to suck the very core out  
of the man’s enormous salty cock. She could feel his balls throbbing  
and jumping against her chin. She shimmied her legs together, desperate  
herself to come.
The old man’s cock swelled like an inflating balloon, at the same time  
hardening from rock hard to steel hard. His sinewy, leathery body  
shuddered, and he bellowed like a lust-crazed boar. Jism as thick as  
soft butter shot down Jenny’s throat. And his cum was as salty as  
butter and as hot as tar on a sun-drenched roof. Jenny swallowed,  
savoring the seasoned taste. As wad after wad of the thick stuff rolled  
down her throat, she thought of condensed jism like condensed milk –  
thick and rich.
 “Ohhh, Christ! ” Harlan groaned.  “Suck it out, bitch! Ahhh! ”
Jenny twisted her head, biting, sucking frantically. Her toes clenched  
as she shimmied her pussy-lips against each other and the point of no  
return neared in her loins. Hot cum oozed down her throat. Her eyes  
swam. She knew she’d be coming any second.
 “Oh, no you don’t, ” Seth said.
The boy’s rough hands gripped her ankles, and suddenly a burst of air  
washed across her dripping pussy like a slosh of cold water. The boy  
had forced her legs apart. She writhed, trying to bring herself off by  
contracting her cunt. But the boy forced her legs farther and farther  
apart. The hot feelings teetered on the brink for one last endless  
moment, then sank back down into her loins. Jenny groaned, gagging  
endlessly on the cock in her throat.
You goddamn son of a bitch! she wanted to shout at the boy. I deserved  
that orgasm. I sucked off your old man’s smelly cock. I deserved to  
come. You bastard!
Suddenly, all the desire had passed out of her. Once more she was  
repulsed by this degrading scene, even more repulsed than before the  
old man a shoved his cock into her mouth. She could hardly believe now  
that she’d sucked his prick, couldn’t believe that she’d swallowed the  
old man’s cum. As the old man’s deflating cock flopped out of her  
mouth, she burped, tasting the over-seasoned flavor of his cum. Then  
she gagged, and gagged again, sure she would vomit, but she didn’t. The  
old man’s cum remained in her stomach, soon to become part of her own  
flesh as her digestive juices went to work.

This story Barnyard Orgy Part 3 appeared first on new sex story dot com