Change Of Life Style – Dirty Sex Tales

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Abdul was a 16 year Bengali boy who was hated and mistreated by his family he was made to work long hours cleaning the offices in the factory his parents owned, often he worked on his own as he was doing tonight.. He saw his dad’s car pull up out side his 12 year old sister get out with two of her friends he knew were also 12 years old he also knew what was going to happen, after a few minutes his sister and her two friends appeared where he was, his sister said ” show time my friends turn to watch so strip off” Abdul did what he had been told and was soon stood naked with girls looking at him, his sister gave him a porn magazine told him to get on with it, Abdul read the magazine and soon had a full eight inch erection which he started to stroke and after five minutes squirted his cum in four spurts, one of the girls said ” that is awesome” the girls left and Abdul finished off cleaning. Next night Abdul was speaking with the teenage gang members of a well feared street gang told them where the money was kept and other details. That night as he was working his dad and cousin arrived as they entered the door a gang wearing hoods burst in tied them all up ransacked the offices before making off with the contents of the safe and other equipment. Abdul was able to roll over and press an alarm  the police arrived untied the three men then viewed the CCTV and cleared the three of any involvement. The family were very angry and kicked Abdul out, Abdul went to the gang who were well happy with him they told him there had been £15.000 in cash plus jewellery in the safe and that he was now a gang member and let him stay at one of their houses. On his first night he was watching telly 16 year old Amy and her sister June who was a couple of years younger than Amy was there, Abdul slept on the settee. In the morning he made tea took it to June first then into Amy, Amy said ” cor fucking hell we got a servant” and laughed Abdul smiled Amy sat up in her bed as she did the duvet fell down from her shoulders, Abdul got a shock Amy’s naked boobs were showing and she made no attempt to cover them, Amy saw him looking said ” in the gang we don’t hide anything with that June walked in, Abdul saw she was naked her boobs just a bit smaller than Amy’s her love tube hairless, June picked up a book walked back out showing her cute bum as she went, Abdul looked at Amy who kicked the duvet off and out of the bed like June Amy was naked, Abdul looked at her shaved love tube, Amy looked at Abdul’s crutch said ” you got a boner” Abdul nodded Amy ” put her hand on Abdul’s crutch then undid his trousers letting his erection spring out, Amy said ” fucking hell that’s a nice size” sat on the bed bent forward and started sucking Abdul’s dick stopping Abdul’s dick stopping after a minute lay back on the bed said ” come on then fuck me” Abdul stripped and was soon sliding his dick into Amy’s love tube, after a minute of deep hard thrusting Amy was breathing heavy and groaning, Abdul felt her cum twice before he squirted his cum over her body A hour later Amy had gone out, Abdul was sat on the sofa when June walked in she was still naked, June told him that she had heard him fucking her sister June said ” yeah” Abdul stood followed June to her room where he started to strip thinking being in this gang is going to be fun.

This story Change Of Life Style appeared first on new sex story dot com