Mark and Brianna part 2

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Hello Brianna here.  Mark asked me to relate my point of view about how it all started.  As Mark said I grew up in a very conservative and strict home.  I developed fast and my dad was very strict about where I was and who I talked too.   Boys were off limits and I carried that with me even went I went to college.

I was propositioned a lot and honestly I was very tempted but I was also afraid my dad was lurking around every corner.  It was not until my senior year that I lost my virginity to Mark.  I was so inexperienced but Mark was so patient and loving with me, we were soon at it twice a day.

We married right after college with my dad still thinking I was a virgin even though he had to have known differently.  Mark joined the army which pleased my dad.  When we got to Germany I was so into being the best wife I could be.  I was in love and life seemed to be perfect.

We settled into our new life and still had sex often.  I was extremely content and sexually satisfied.  Mark started telling me about comments he was overhearing about me.  I just blew them off as crass guy talk.   But it was flattering at the same time.  I did become more aware of men eyeing me when we were at functions and parties.

Then one day while I was sitting with other wives and girlfriends of the guys that worked with Mark.  Some comments were made about a sergeant that worked for Mark.  His name was Louis and when they pointed him out.  My first thought was he looked mean!  The girl talk went to him living in the barracks and having a steady stream of women in and out of his room.  Then one girl said she was told he had a big dick.  That kind of talk back then embarrassed me and I felt myself blush.  Thankfully the subject changed as some young kids sat next to us.

I am not going to lie all that talk true or not did make me fantasize.  Mark was my first and only.  He was amazing in bed and I always got mine, usually more than once.  Then during one hot and heavy session  Mark not only brought up Louis’s name but then asked if I would like to have sex with him.  I nearly blacked out my orgasm was so intense.  I came to my senses shortly afterwards and told Mark that it was fun to fantasize but we were married and we needed to keep it pillow talk.

Our love making intensified and Mark didn’t mention Louis’s name any more.   But I  knew we both thought about it.  Time passed and I didn’t really give it to much thought any more.  I even would laugh at my self wondering what was I thinking and what would my dad say!  Then we were at a softball tourney and Mark hurt himself.  I wanted him to go to the hospital but after a medic said it was just a sprain and he refused.

I had been drinking wine and had a really nice buzz. Mark asked Louis to drive us home and he agreed.  I was thinking he was not as handsome as Mark.  But he was ruggedly handsome.  We helped Mark inside and he managed to take a shower.  I didn’t feel comfortable alone with Louis so I went into the kitchen to make dinner.  I could feel his eyes on me or maybe it was my imagination.

Mark finally hopped out all showered up.  We sat and ate and drank and finally Mark said let’s watch a movie.  I did catch myself sneaking glances over at Louis.  My thoughts drifted back to the girls talking about him.  I would catch myself and try and concentrate on the movie.  Finally, it ended and I decided to get the days dirt off me and hopefully sober myself up a little.  The shower worked wonders, I felt like a new woman.  I returned to the living room and it took me a minute to realize they were watching a soft porn movie.  I needed another drink.  I literally was burning up I was blushing so often during the movie.  Mercifully it ended and Mark asked me to get Louis a tower so he could shower.  I thought omg he is staying the night!  Then I realized he had no car and I would have to drive him back to base.  That thought was terrifying to me.

When I thought it couldn’t get any worse.  Mark drops his fantasy on me.  I wanted to scream are you freaking crazy!  But I didn’t want Louis to hear me.  Then Louis walked out clean tattooed and rippling muscles.  My mind was so muddled between confusion and anger I couldn’t think straight.  Then Mark dropped the bomb.   He asked Louis if he wanted to have sex with me.  When Louis answered yes I was stunned and trying to think of something to say but at the same time thinking this handsome older man wanted me!

I felt my resolve weakening but there was no way I could have sex in front of Mark.  I  told this to him and he said he would stay out of the bedroom.  Then he pleaded and I could tell he was serious.  I took a deep breath and led Louis to our bedroom.  I was so nervous I  just looked straight ahead as we walked into the bedroom. Upon entering my heart was pounding in my chest.  I removed my tee shirt but still faced away from Louis.  Then I heard the door close.  I felt a wave of doubt come over me.  I was a heartbeat from running out of the bedroom.

Louis moved up behind me and placed his hands on my waist and leaned in and started kissing on my neck and shoulders.   I know he felt me stiffen and he whispered “Do you want me to stop?”.  I was indecisive until he pressed his big hard cock against my ass.  I whispered back no.  His hands moved up to my breast cupping them and feeling their weight.  My nipples were so hard and sensitive when he tweaked them my knees about buckled.  He continued to kiss my neck as his hands lowered to my panties and he slowly pulled them down.

I had not turned at all and looked at him.  He stood up and turned me around to face him.  He was completely  nude and I looked down at his manhood.  He was not quite as long as Mark but he was very thick.  He leaned in and kissed me and I melted into him.  My hand traveling from his muscular  chest gliding over his washboard abs to his very hard thick cock.

I only had Mark to compare him too.  My hand would not completely close around Marks dick.  But my hand barely went around half of Loui’s.  I was thinking this won’t fit inside me.  Louis climbed onto the bed and I followed.  He spread my legs and slowly started to eat my pussy.  I was already amazingly wet. I pushed his head away before he could make me cum.

He moved up between my legs and started rubbing his dick all over my pussy.  It was driving me crazy and I hissed at him to put it in!  The pressure as he started was intense and I begged him to go slow.  This very strong soldier was so thoughtful and gentle.  I was both thankful and surprised.  The more he got in me the wetter I got and my legs automatically started lifting higher to accommodate him.

Once he was all the way in he he slowly rotated his hips and I automatically did the same. Then he started moving in and out slow and steady.  I couldn’t take it any more and got vocal.  I remember telling him to fuck me.  I had an amazing orgasm and soon after he asked me where he wanted him to cum and I knew I wanted him to cum inside me.

It wasn’t until we calmed down that I wondered what Mark had heard or what was he feeling.  I was to afraid to go to him for fear of him being angry.  It wasn’t long and and Louis was asleep.  I must have drifted off as well and then was awoke to Louis sucking my nipples and squeezing my breast.  He pulled me on top of him and alternated sucking my  nipples while squeezing my ass.  I felt his dick twitch between my legs.  I reached between us and guided his dick into my wet pussy.

I rocked back and forth getting used to his size.  I soon was bouncing up and down as hard as I could.  I was now squatting on his dick with my hands on his rippled stomach.  I felt him blast up inside me sending me off to another orgasm.

I was spent and fell asleep soon after when I woke up Louis was not in bed.  I got up and decided I had to face the music.  But first I needed a shower to wake me up.  I dressed and walked out.  I could not make eye contact with Mark and asked Louis if he wanted his uniform washed.  Then Mark got my attention and told me to sit with him.  When he kissed me and told me he loved me the whole world was lifted off my shoulders.  When he cracked the joke about working up an appetite that really let me know we were ok.

I knew of marriage was changed forever.  I also knew Louis would fuck me again.  I was both worried and excited at the same time.  I hope you enjoyed our story.  We enjoyed reliving it.  More to come soon.

This story Mark and Brianna part 2 appeared first on new sex story dot com