No More Fear – Dirty Sex Tales

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The small English country town was normally very quiet with nobody out on the streets once it got dark, the residents were to scared to go out once it was dark, those who did go out kept looking over their shoulders for a member of a family who were violent thugs and ruled the town sixteen year old Steve and his sister Amy who was four years younger than Steve were the son and daughter of one of the biggest gangsters in the country they were well feared everybody in the town were scared of them. It was early evening when a big squad raided their house, the police were at the house for most of the night and took away lots and lots of property, the entire family were taken into police custody and residents of the town started to go out again at night, then word got around that the parents had been sent to prison for many years but because of a cock up Steve and Amy were released and would not face any charges. Steve and Amy were seen around the town but were no longer giving anybody any trouble at all, nobody was scared of them anymore, it soon became known that the pair had no money and were trying to survive on free hand outs from a neighbouring town. One night sixteen year old Mark was with his sister June who was ten years of age when they saw Steve looking through bins, Steve asked them for money, Mark smiled and said ” I will give you ten pound but you have to earn it” and when Steve asked how, Mark said to him ” get your cock out let my sister see it” and when Steve pointed out that June was only a kid, Mark who was bi-sexual replied saying ” so what let her see or no money” Steve had not eaten for two days and was desperate for money so undid his joggers and lowered the front revealing his seven inch hairy dick, June looked at it wide eyed, it was the first time she had seen a large dick, Mark looked and thought nice, after giving Steve ten pound Mark took June home and made a few phone calls telling his mates what had happened, a few says later Mark was outside Steve’s house he could see there were no curtains in the windows and the flickering of candles, Mark looked at his sister and said ” you read” June was smiling and said ” yeah” Mark went to the house and after banging on the door waited till Steve opened it and once he did said to him” you want more money” Steve did and nodded, Mark pushed past Steve taking June with him and once inside saw Amy, Mark smiled then said ” two of you this is going to be fun” Steve had told his sister about having to flash his dick and when Mark told Steve to strip naked she was not surprised and when Mark told Amy to strip she was expecting it, Steve asked about money and when he was told fifty pound he started to undress and once he was naked he looked at Amy who was also naked, Mark looked at Amy admiring her smooth love tube and developing boobs while June was stood admiring the naked Steve, after admiring the naked brother and sister for ten minutes Mark and June left after giving Steve the fifty pound he and his sister had earned after barricading the door shut Steve went back into the room where Amy was as he did he noticed her nipples were erect he said to her ” I saw the way you looked at my cock” Amy said ” yeah it is big and I saw you looking at my tits” Steve said ” stop looking at my cock” Amy smiled and said ” your getting a hard on” Steve’s dick was growing and was soon standing up fully erect at nine inches, Steve turned and quickly got under the blanket he used as a bed, he looked at Amy who was rubbing her love tube, Amy said ” yeah I saw your cock on the hard” Steve said ” your my sister” Amy went over to Steve pulled the blanket back and lay down beside him saying ” so what you can still fuck me” Steve smiled and started to rub Amy’s boobs while Any started to stroke his dick, after a couple of minutes Steve rolled over on top of Amy and slid his throbbing erection up Amy’s moist love tube causing her to moan as he did, Steve started to thrust in and out of his little sisters love tube making her groan as he did and after five minutes felt her cum and not after he pulled his dick out of Amy’s love tube and squirted his cum over her body, Mark was stood at the window looking in and smiling thinking nice very nice stroking his eight inch erection as he did thinking I am going to fuck both of you, your now my slaves.

This story No More Fear appeared first on new sex story dot com