How My Brother and I end up doing it

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It was March 14, 2020 when President Rodrigo Duterte announced a metrowide lockdown in Metro Manila. I was busy playing on-line games on my computer. When I heard my Mom shouting calling my name. “Enoch!!! Come here quickly we need to go to the grocery store to buy canned goods and other things.” She told me while panicking. “What’s going on? Why are you panicking?” I asked her.

“President Duterte announced a metrowide lockdown and we need to buy our provisions.” She answered. So I grabbed the key of my older brother’s motorcycle and took our eco bags. “Don’t use the motorcycle son you don’t have a license yet.” My Mom said. “Don’t worry Mom SaveMore (grocery store) is just a few blocks away from here. And there are no traffic enforcers near our area.” I told her, But she insisted that we take the tricycle because she is going to buy a lot of things.

“How about we call Kuya (How Filipino calls their older brother) and ask him to pick us up?” I suggested. “Go ahead call him! I also need him back here at home the soonest possible time.” My Mother added. So I did, and my brother told me that he is also about to go back home since their agency asked them to leave early because of the lockdown announcement. So he did picked us up after an hour of waiting.

The grocery store is full of people from our area and I even saw my schoolmates buying groceries with their parents. Everybody was wearing facemask. My Brother is 5 years older than me. I have a twin sister but she died during our birth. I look up to him like he is my father. Unfortunately my Dad is the promiscuous type and he abandoned us when my mom found out what he’s been doing to me and my brother. My mom is a government employee in LTO (Land Transportation Office) while my brother works for an advertising agency as research specialist.

My mom is diabetic and she’s struggling with her health. Good thing that Kuya Theo is helping her with the finances. Kuya Theo is a handsome, tall Chinese looking guy. Our Dad is a half breed of both Filipino and Chinese descent. Both of us have Chinese eyes. My mom keeps on joking about his sexuality. She always asked him (jokingly) to finally get a girlfriend so that she could have grandchildren. My kuya would always get annoyed every time my mother says that.

Kuya Theo is the type of guy who would rather spend his time focusing at work than having a time for his love life. I would always catch him masturbating at night watching gay porn videos from Twitter and Reddit. He wouldn’t even bother to stop me from looking because we’ve seen each other naked since we were young. Masturbation is just a normal thing for us since we are both male, and we share the same room. He loves sleeping naked because of the humid temperature here in the Philippines.

He is the type of person who I could say is very practical. He wouldn’t turn on the AC because he doesn’t wanna pay for a higher electricity bill. He would always join me whenever I take a bath to save water consumption. My brother is my idol. He is smart, responsible and a very caring person. I asked him once if he’s already dating and he just laughed at it. I wanted him to be happy because he’s been busy working to help us with our finances.

During the lockdown we were not allowed to get out of the house and we’ve spent so much time talking about our lives. My mom would always tell us about her stories growing up in Pampanga. She started planting vegetables in the backyard and bought live chickens on line. She told us that just in case the lockdown gets longer we have chickens for survival.

Our Barangay (a small territorial and administrative district forming the most local level of government.) Can only provide one quarantine pass (ID) per family. My mom was the only one who is allowed to go out to buy groceries for us. I felt really upset that we could not help her carry the heavy eco bags because of the restrictions. Unfortunately because of this my acquired COVID19.

When she began to show symptoms of COVID19 my brother and were both so afraid that we might have it too. So we called the hospital and asked them to have us checked. Men wearing protective clothes (PPE) arrived and have us checked. Both me and my brother tested negative while Mon turned out to have acquired COVID19. She was taken from us and was quarantined at the hospital.

She only stayed there for a week and we were told of the unfortunate passing of my mom. We were so devastated and I don’t even know what to feel at that time. I furious, getting emotional and pretty much confused of what is going on. My brother processed all the documents on his own so that he could get the ashes of my mom who at that time was cremated.

I was so afraid for him. I don’t want him to acquire the virus too. He he finally got the urn I asked him to have us checked again. Thankfully we were both tested negative. On the night that my mom’s urn arrived we were too emotional and mentally drained out. “Kuya I don’t what to do if I will lose you too?” I told him. “Don’t worry Bunso (Filipino word for youngest sibling) I will never ever leave you.” He answered back.

I somehow felt relieved after hearing those words so I hugged him tight and kissed his cheek. Days turned into months and we are slowly losing money. President Duterte on the other hand announced a Luzon wide lockdown. “Looks like we are going to stay here confined for a long time, and we need money to survive.” My brother told me. He almost used up all his savings and the money that mom left for us needs to be processed first before the insurance allows us to withdraw it.

I kept on telling my brother that he better stay at home and just wait for the lockdown to end before he could process the claim. Good thing that he listens because I was really crying and begging for him not to go out. He asked his agency for assistance but they said it would take weeks to process the monetary assistance. My brother is getting frustrated so he tried applying for an online job. Unfortunately he was having a hard time getting a job online.

I don’t know what to do to help him with the problem so I just helped him with all the chores. “Kuya… Why don’t we contact Dad and ask for help?” I suggested. I don’t know but he suddenly looked furious after hearing my suggestion. “I WILL NEVER ASK THAT BASTARD FOR HELP!!!” He shouted. I was stricken when I saw his reaction. I can’t help but to cry. “I was just trying to help.” I told him.

He turned his back on me and did not say a single word. I could see how frustrated my brother is and I can’t help but to cry. I went to my mother’s room and banged the door and I wept there all alone. Around 1am (Manila time) I heard him knocking on the door. “Enoch! Open the door please.” He asked. So I stood up and open the door for him. He asked me to stay in our room and jokingly said that my mom’s ghost would show up if I stay there alone.

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He got me a ham sandwich and warm milk while he made coffee for himself. “Enoch, I am really upset about what you suggested earlier. You know what Dad did to us and how he abandoned our family right?” He said. I just nodded. I remember my kuya would always protect me by telling my Dad to do whatever he wants with him so that he could avoid him from touching me.

I witnessed how Dad touched him and did whatever things he wanted to do with kuya. It happened so many times that it became a normal activity every night. One time my brother was admitted to the hospital for having a Dengue and my mom have to stay with him in the hospital. That night my Dad took advantage of me. I don’t know but I find it weird that I was not surprised or even reluctant. Because somehow I felt like I saved my brother that time and that I’m okay with it. I even told myself that I’d do it for him even after he recovers so that I could at least avoid Dad from touching him. I want to protect him too.

Although I am willing at that time to do it with Dad I still felt nervous somehow since that is the first time he touched me. When he first touched my dick I was not getting a hard on maybe because I’m too nervous at that time. But when he started licking and sucking my dick I felt this weird sensation. It felt so warm and tickling that I began to harden up, closed my eyes and moan a bit. When he heard me do that and saw my reaction he got excited and started to get rough.

I was so confused but at the same time I am enjoying the sensation I’m getting that I even grabbed his hair and started pulling it. My hips began to moved slowly and I felt like I wanted my dick deep inside his mouth. I began to pound his mouth and started to move roughly too. “This is not bad at all” I told myself while my eyes are closed. It really feels good that I forgot who’s doing that to me. That was the first time I reached orgasm and my cum squirted in abundance inside his mouth.

He looked me in the eyes after I cummed and he gulped it all. Then I felt guilty after that. He told me not to say anything about what we did even to my mom and my brother. He gave me 100 pesos after that. After my brother recovered and went back home he asked me if my Dad tried touching me? I told him nothing happened but he seems skeptical. After a few days passed dad started touching me again and when my brother saw him he tried to seduce him and get his attention, But dad really wants to do it with me but my brother insisted.

I went near them and tried to get my dad’s attention so that I could save my brother and at the same time have that irresistible sensation again, But my brother pushed me and whispered furiously that I should go back to my bed. If look could kill I would have died when he stared at me. I went back to bed I kept on looking at what they are doing… I don’t know but I started rubbing my disk on my pillow and my brother saw me doing that while I’m staring at them. He looks angry but I don’t care. I kept on rubbing my dick until I cummed.

In the morning my brother and I argued secretly and he kept on telling me that what I did was wrong. “I don’t understand you!!! I did it because I don’t want him to touch you!” I told him. He seems aghast and slapped me after hearing my words. One late afternoon my dad approached me again and started touching me. My brother was not around at that time. I don’t know but I felt excited. He started touching me my dick and fiddling it.

I just can’t resist the sensation that I began to pull his hair again. I pounded his mouth roughly and enjoying the sensation I am getting. I even started moaning and it really felt so fucking good. I was about to cum when suddenly the door banged and it opened. My brother was looking furious wearing his school uniform. I was surprised I didn’t expect him to be back so soon because he told me last night that he’d be late for home since he needs to attend a school activity.

He shouted so loud and called my mom who is with him when they arrived. My mom went in our room and saw what my Dad was doing. She started beating him with a soft whisk broom, While my brother is beating me with his shoes. That memory stayed with me until now and I still feel guilty about it. Sometimes I blame myself for ruining our family but my brother keeps on reminding me that it was not fault.

It was mid September when President Rodrigo Duterte announced a nationwide lockdown. My brother seems really frustrated after hearing the news. The money he received from his agency is no longer enough to feed us. He called our aunties in the state and asked for help. That night my brother was so preoccupied on how he could find ways to earn money. He stayed awake till 12am. It was raining and it’s getting cold. My brother slept naked so I stood up to cover him with the blanket.

The lights are off but the light from the electric post outside illuminates inside the room. I noticed that my brother is having an erection. He was deeply sleeping but his cock is so hard. I’ve seen him naked so many times but something felt different this time that I started approaching his bed and getting near his cook to have a good look. “How did it became this big?” I asked myself. I am used to seeing it when it’s not hard so I was really curious how did it grew so thick and long.

(To be continued)

This story How My Brother and I end up doing it appeared first on