Mom’s orgasm – Dirty Sex Tales

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This may sound like an outrageous true, but its completely true. My Mom and I had traveled to this resort along with one of her friends. Mom was a very curvaceous woman for a 40 year old. I was about 16 years old then. Her friend being 35 had often remarked about that. I felt that she was jealous. Often I had seen Mom put her friend in awkward positions such as doing something funny or just making fun of her physique. Over the years though Mom had grown a little chubbier while her friend had become more fit, nevertheless, I had often seen men ogle at Mom’s figure. It was often like an embarrassment to me, as she preferred showing her body to others and wore very tight clothing. She had a bubble butt, and a 95 cm breast measurement. So given they were going for this party for the night, Mom wasn’t taking any chances. She wore a tight white t-shirt, along with tight blue jeans, and high red heels. She also had worn her favourite diamond laced thong The diamonds were connected such that they formed a T pattern down her hip. While both of them were gone, I spent my time relaxing around the suite watching movies. It was very late night when both of them returned. I had fallen asleep earlier, but once I caught their voices I was awake. We had reserved a double room suite, where Mom and I used one room and her friend the other. This time, her friends took Mom to her room. Suspicious of what was happening I peeked in their room without being discovered. Her friend, seemed to be sober enough while Mom was out of it. She was supporting Mom. Mom was out of it, and her diamond laced thong was evident. Grabbing Mom’s ass, her friend suddenly said,  “I’m going to enjoy seeing you come ” and began massing Mom’s breast. Mom soon began moaning heavily. Mom was a heavy moaner. At one point, noticing Mom’s thong, her friend slowly began pulling it up, as if giving Mom a wedgie. This caused Mom to moan even more loudly, as she was getting more turned on, and after about 5 minutes, Mom let out an exasperated moan, and grabbing one of her buttcheeeks with her own hand, shouted,  “I’m coming ” and with another moan passed out on her friends’ arms. After this her friend took off her pants and shirt (Mom was wearing a pink bra) and pushed her onto the bed. Mom fell on the bed face flat and legs spread. Her friend fell on the bed to her side, admiring how Mom’s butt bounced. It was embarrassing enough Mom was in this position when she suddenly lifted her butt high (her friend was surprised) and gave another loud moan and dropped her butt. Her friend said,  “Wow, you came twice, you are easier to take down than I thought. ” Both women went to sleep very soon. I crawled up slowly to cover Mom with a blanket. The next morning more drama occurred, when Mom and her friend woke up. Mom began arguing with her friend and learned about what had happened. Angry they began fighting, at first it was normal pushes and shoves, when accidentally Mom’s friend punched her. Mom reeled from the punch and she turned all the way around, before falling to her knees, and then falling face flat onto the carpet floor, knocked out. Her butt shook as she fell, and she went down hands to her side, and her legs spread (her camel toe evident in her thong.)It was sad to see. Her friend was happy enough that to have more fun, she once again pulled up on Mom’s thong. Mom’s response was immediate, as she began moaning heavily as before. Slowly with more pulls, Mom lifted her butt, and after one last heavy moan, dropped her butt, passed out once again and salivating from her mouth. Her friend was oblivious to the fact that I was already awake, watching this all, and slapped Mom’s bubble-butt, before she made a hasty exit. Mom was completely knocked out for a few hours. After the friend, I went to check in on her, as she lay in the same position. Her pink thong was wet, and it seemed like she had come again. It was such a funny turn on for me, given Mom was older than her friend and had been taken down so easily. It was also surprising to see Mom was so easily turned coming three times! Later on in the evening, after Mom recovered, her friend apologized for her actions. Mom was embarrassed when she found out that I had seen all of it, though we joke about it nowadays.

This story Mom’s orgasm appeared first on new sex story dot com