My wife the Entrepreneur! Part One

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I am a bit older than my wife Trish. To be exact; 11 years, 2 months, and 13 days. But this hasn’t stopped us from having the most amazing marriage of all time. We do everything together, travel, hang out, and spent every second together. She is an incredible woman, loves life, and her work. She started her own clothing store and just loves it. She sells stuff through her store and online, that people love. I support her in every way, whatever I can do to help I do.

However, about a year ago I was put to the test when I accidentally overheard a conversation she had with her friend, Cindy. I was laying on the floor behind the couch trying to keep cool in our hot apartment. She must have thought I had gone to work earlier but I had decided to take the morning off and rest before going in. Anyway, as I laid there her phone rang and I knew it was Cindy by her loud and distinct voice. I loved Cindy because she is a character and we always had fun together. They started having a conversation that I ‘half’ heard and that I was half a sleep for, but out of the blue I suddenly woke right up when I heard Cindy say to Trish, “what is Bill going to say if he finds out you are going to do it?” To which I suddenly came too very quickly. What were they saying? What had they said that I wasn’t aware of?

All of a sudden I was awake and aware of their conversation. I still didn’t let on that I was laying on the floor behind the couch listening to their conversation, I wanted to hear everything that they were saying. And did I get an earful. Trish basically went on to explain that she was in a cash flow problem with her store and if she didn’t come up with $20K she would have to shut it down. If that wasn’t shocking enough to hear, they both went on to discuss how she could solve her cash flow problem by working for her ex-boss having sex with him, his friends and his customers, which where mostly Chinese guys. As I listened on, I was further taken a back by the whole affair and didn’t know what to think. In my mind, all of a sudden my gorgeous wife could become the property of whoever paid this pig for her, and she would have to pleasure them to make the money she needs to stay in business.

The conversation went on for a while, as conversations do with chicks, but the more I listened in the more I realized that it was all real and about to go down. Essentially that night Trish had to go to her ex-bosses house to let him know that she is willing to do it for the 20K. I couldn’t believe my ears. I wanted to scream out and let her know that there was no way she is doing it, but I held back because I didn’t want to get in the way of what she thought she needed to do, to get out of her predicament.

Basically I didn’t want to seem like the controlling guy, but at the same time, I didn’t want her to know that I ‘didn’t know what was going on. So I knew that I had to tell her. At some point. But when was that point? Was it as soon as this bizarre conversation ended, was it when she went for her first visit with this creep, or after it as all started and has been going on for a while?

The conversation seemed to go on forever, but sooner than later both said goodbye and it ended. I was totally shocked with this incredible news and a wife that was so distraught she could barely keep from crying.

I felt so bad for her because she was caught between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, she could just go ahead and solve all her problems but on the other, she would have to do the unspeakable and, in her mind, jeopardize our relationship. So, I made up my mind right there, I wasn’t going to let her torture yourself and I sprang up from behind the couch and said, “Trish, you should just do it, and I will be there right by your side the whole way”.

Of course at first she screamed at the sight of me coming out of nowhere, but then she digested what I had said and thought for a few seconds of complete silence. The first words out of her mouth after she wiped the tears from her eyes where, “Really? you wouldn’t mind?”. To which I said, “by the sounds of it, you need to do this to keep your dream alive, and if you aren’t falling in love with these guys, then what do I care, as long as it is safe and that’s what I am going to make sure of”. I didn’t really know what I was saying, I was just saying it. ‘The big man’. I actually had no clue what I was getting myself into.

The next day we both awoke after a night of passionate sex, as the thought of the whole thing made me hornier than hell, quite frankly. And I was sure that Trish was giving me her best because I had given her the thumbs ups to the whole thing.

After we spoke in bed for a while, she was a lot happier about it, and we began our day. However, this was a day unlike any I had ever lived through. Basically, my gorgeous wife was getting ready to go to her (fat) ex bosses offices, who has always wanted to fuck her; have sex with him, his friends and then his customers, who are mostly Chinese guys. The whole thing became very surreal, very quickly.

As I was still laying in bed watching Trish shower through the bathroom door (jerking off to her awesome beauty) I was trying hard to come to the realization of what was about to happen, and I truly thought it was all just make believe and wasn’t really going to happen. But it was.

About an hour later, we both left the house together, (she looked stunning, like a beauty Queen) I drove, and we made our way to her ex-bosses office for her first ‘day on the job’, her new job, sexually pleasing men so that she can save her little company.

It was shortly after noon when we arrived at her ex-bosses office. The closer we got to the building the faster my heart started pounding. I had accepted that this was going down and said to myself that I just wanted to be there for Trish, but I couldn’t stop the thoughts swirling around my head. We parked the car and sat silent for a few minutes until Trish finally said, “So this is it, are you okay? cause we can still back out and go home”. I took a deep breath and said, “I only want what you want and this is your idea, so I will support you and be with you”. After another short pause I followed with, “If this is going to help you get to your dream and save your store, then you should at least try, it doesn’t bother me as long as it is okay with you”. Which was total bullshit because it was killing me by the minute. Although as much as it was killing me, it was also turning me on so much I thought I was going to explode. The thought of Trish with other men as always turned me on so much and I have always wanted it to happen, I just never thought it would.

Trish finally broke her silence, explained to me what I had already expected and that it was purely for the money and that she loved me for being supportive and then off we went. As I walked toward the office building I could not take my eyes off her, she was stunning when she was all decked out, gorgeous long brown hair and long legs. She was wearing a short red skin-tight skirt and a turtle neck that formed around her gorgeous breasts perfectly. She was basically the best cock tease you could possibly imaging, heading into a room full of horny men that will have their way with her as I stand by and watch, OMG, ‘what have I done’, is all I could think.

It was the longest walk of my life but we finally arrived to her ex-bosses office. His name was Jon, a very large man with an accent and was very over weight with a big round belly and a tiny behind. Every time I saw him with Trish when she worked for him I noticed how much he adored her and could only think of how much he has wanted her all these years. He had come on to Trish so many times before but she always turned him down and when we started to go out he still tried. We even laughed about it when we were together because he never hid his desire for her and continued to make lewd comments and would come-on to her all the time. We never took it seriously and made light of it, but now we were almost at his office where his dreams were going to finally come true.

The secretary at the front desk knew Trish and greeted her with a big hug and asked her why she was there and who she was seeing. That told me that she didn’t know what was going down. After some small talk, Carry, called Jon’s office and announced that Trish was at the front. I could not hear what they were saying but Carry just listened as Jon was speaking to her and after a short conversation she said, ‘Okay” and hung up the phone. Carry stared at Trish with an astonished look on her face, as though she was speechless and could get a word out, until Trish said, “Carry, what is it, what did he say?” Still looking quit astonished with a cute kind of embarrassed look to her expression, she finally says “Jon wants you to take off all your clothes and walk to his office”, as she finishes her words she quickly put her both hands over her mouth as if she couldn’t believe what she had just said.

There was a ‘very’ awkward pause that followed. I was stunned with what I had heard and was waiting for what Trish was going to say next, as Carry just kept staring at her with her hands still covering her mouth. Trish says, “Okay, that’s expected, of course he would want that, why not”. Without even a glimpse towards me, she immediately began taking off her clothes as I stood next to her. She laid her clothes on the front desk as Carry still stood there speechlessly. All of a sudden Trish was standing in the front lobby of the office completely naked and said, “okay, lets go to the bosses office” and started walking down the hallway.

Of course I followed, in total amazement at what I just witnessed, as we made our way from the front desk area down a slim hallway into the back offices. All I could think was that this hallway lead directly to Jon’s office and nobody would actually see my naked wife totally exposed. Was I wrong with that. After the slim long hallway we came into a very large office full of desks and guys on phones. Trish walked past them as they all stopped to stare at her naked body. There must have been 50 or more guys at their desks as she walked by as if nothing was going on. I followed right behind her and realized that I was invisible and that all eyes were planted on my gorgeous naked wife.

We came to other side of the large room and took a short left to the back corner office, which I assumed was Jon’s office. I was right, but at the office door was another secretary, his personal secretary, that stopped Trish from walking into the office and said, “Just hang on, he’s with someone, you’ll have to wait”. I could still sense that the eyes of every guy in the office were still firmly planted on Trish’s nakedness, as we simply stood there and started our wait for Jon to let us in. The secretary seemed to enjoy every minute and was in no hurry to let Trish and I into the office. Every second felt like a minute until I realized that we had been waiting for over five minutes as the guys just took in the scenery of Trish’s fully exposed naked body. Some of the guys that knew Trish when she worked there approached us and started small talking with her and making smart ass comments, which totally made me feel two inches tall. I could not even imaging how Trish felt, standing there naked in front of a group of drooling perverts, some she had even worked with before. Trish was amazingly strong though as she shrugged off their comments and was as strong as she could be as they circled around her to take in as much as they could.

Finally Jon buzzed his secretary and we entered his office, so relieved to get away from the drooling idiots. Once we were inside Jon’s office though it did not get much better. There were about a dozen men standing around with eyes planted firmly on my naked wife, scanning every inch. Jon went right up to her with a huge smile and greeted her as though she was just another person coming to his office. He then took her by a hand and led her into the center of the room. Everything was so unbelievably surreal that I didn’t even know what to think any more, I just stood in amazement. I did not go into the room and stood by the door, as nobody recognized that I was even there. Everything was happening so quickly as all the guys in the room started to come closer to Trish and Jon until they were almost surrounded by them all. With a circle of mostly Asian men now surrounding my wife, Jon readies himself to address the group with what I imagine is going to be a speech. All I am focused on is how he is hugging my beautiful naked wife, fondling her chest and crotch with his large pudgy hands.

What happens next was what I thought might happen, but its much different when its real life, so much different.

This story My wife the Entrepreneur! Part One appeared first on new sex story dot com