Pearly Gates to Heavenly Sex

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Greetings to my mortal friends –

My name is Pearl Yolanda Gates – but my friends and customers insist on calling me “Pearly” – I am a sex worker who will fly anywhere worldwide to give sexual pleasure.

I was born in Dublin on 1/4/1999 the only child of a millionaire potato farmer, who has a small aeroplane and has taught me to fly.

Probably my sex life is of more interest to you, – I started to masturbate when I was 7 – and enjoyed it very much. When I confessed my sins the Priest took me to the choir stalls and raped me – front and rear – traumatic but enjoyable.

Having lost my virginity in holy surroundings I have had a number of “affairs” with other boys and girls – and at 24 – I have started to have sex with friends and occasionally strangers who look honest and healthy. My main enjoyment is oral sex (giving and receiving) and fucking cunt and arse – kinks include ‘Golden Showers’ and Exhibitionism – also Bondage but only the lightest of Discipline.

So, I advertised on my computer – “Contact Pearly Gates for a Heavenly sex experience – all things available- no charge but a travelling subsidy would be helpful overseas”.

So, I sat in front of the computer naked and fingering myself waiting for a reply.

I suppose that I have racial views – Irish men need encouragement – English, French German and Scandinavian are reasonable as are Chinese and Japanese (different but honest) – Indians are unpredictable but Americans tend to be bossy and make too many demands – they still believe that the USA rules the world.

There was a massive response – some unsuitable in not giving enough information and others too much information of an unpleasant nature.

The first interesting one was from a man in Bolton (England) saying “I am a married man “Henry” living in Bolton and want you to photograph me and my wife ‘Teresa’ having kinky sex together.

Being so close I was interested immediately and arranged with Henry to collect me from Manchester airport only 16 miles from Bolton at 3.00 the following afternoon. I landed at 2.45 and parked my ‘plane to emerge in the public area on the dot of 3.00.

I was wearing my usual uniform of a micro skirt and a sheer blouse. In the front of the crowd was standing a handsome 6’ man in a grey suit. He held a small sign “Henry” – I walked over to him and gave him a long Kiss before asking him to come to the baggage console to collect my suitcase containing a bottle of whiskey and my collection of sex toys, dildos and vibrators.

We held hands until we reached his car and I sat in the passenger seat – he seemed fascinated with my tits and I moved my skirt to give him a flash of cunt as we drove 30 minutes to Bolton. (Enough to attract but not distract him on the road),

We arrived at a large old house “Wycherley” Chorley New Road, Heaton and parked in the large drive area before the front door. Henry escorted me inside to the main dining/sitting room where Teresa was already sitting in an armchair wearing the shortest skirt and a transparent top. She is blonde with fantastic tits. Henry introduced us “Teresa this is Pearly” and offered us drinks and already opened a dry red so I accepted and we had a short chat, while we sipped it (lovely).

I want you to photograph Teresa masturbating first in the main sitting room before we go upstairs for you will photograph us both. We went into the other room and Teresa, now totally naked, started to finger herself while I got my camera organised – Henry was watching with the wine bottle in his hand. Teresa held her cunt open and Henry asked me to push the neck into it – the camera on its tripod was running as I pushed it in and Teresa continued to masturbate until with heavy gasps she orgasmed. Henry had opened his flies and was wanking a 6″ circumcised dick, When he had spurted he took Teresa and me to the bedroom where, for half an hour they fucked and sucked in every possible way – Teresa’s mouth, cunt and arse were leaking Henry’s cum. Henry’s mouth was juicy when he kissed me and said “Take off the rest of your clothes and join us”

I did and when naked, he tied me with my arms and legs apart while Teresa kissed me and pushed a large red dildo deep into my cunt (already very wet). Henry straggled my torso and forced me to suck his erect cock. The taste of cum was superb. He also fucked my arse while I licked Teresa’s clit. We did every enjoyable sex activity that we all thought appropriate, before Henry released me. The orgy continued for a further 20 minutes and. Totally exhausted we ended up lying on the bed with me in the a cloud of erotic thoughts. Henry suggested we had a shower so I brought my camera to the bathroom on the split level of the stairs. The shower was over an enormous bath, with a plug on a two-foot rod so that was the water left on it would allow the excess water to drain away before flooding the floor. We washed each other carefully to remove all traces of cum. Before we got out of the bath, Henry told me to kneel and open my mouth to give me a refreshing drink of piss. (Delightful).

After all this exercise and enjoyment we relaxed in the sitting room still naked and Henry asked “How about a relaxing drink? I have a good whisky here” but I grabbed my Bushmills from my bag and told him “There is no better Whiskey than this” so Henry tasted a small tot and agreed – “It is very mellow and tastes far better than my Scotch” – “Irish Whiskey is distilled three times to give the flavour and texture” – I told him – Slainte – Henry looked puzzled “Cheers in Erse” I told him.

We then put on our scanty clothes for Henry to drive me to the airport where we kissed good bye.

As I was about to leave Henry passed me an envelope “I hope this is a sufficient subsidy – it is the amount of a first-class return ticket – Dublin – Manchester by Aer Lingus”.

Aer Linctus I coughed and Henry nearly pissed himself laughing.

He took me to the airport and commented “You were magnificent – I look forward to seeing the film. – Slainte”. – I sent it by courier three days later – safer than the post.

My next adventure will be “Pearly Gates 2”

This story Pearly Gates to Heavenly Sex appeared first on new sex story dot com