Tommy and Gina’s Story: One Wild Night

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(Reader’s, please fill in some of the blanks we left for you):

As we left town, Gina was letting the warm June air from the black sedan’s open window tussle her hair around in the back seat. I remember her swiping it away from her eyes as if it was involuntary. Her hair was a little longer now and hung below her eyebrows. She didn’t look tired, but I think she could have used a cup of tea. I asked her if we should stop for one but she said ‘No…I feel great, Tommy. Just feeling a little jet lagged, but I actually feel great’.

We needed this night together as it’s been a crazy last quarter and her last vacation to the Bahamas was postponed due to snow. She really deserved a break so instead, she had to take a short, solo two day trip to South Beach and just got home late last night.

She said ‘it’s beautiful out – but not nearly as hot as Miami- we should open the roof once we get on the highway because this breezy window will mess me all up’. Once we got on the interstate I saw that she was correct. As she closed her window and I opened the roof, Gina said ’This is so nice to get out and see a show together. It’s like we are back in our single days again’. I agreed and told her that she even looks like that young, single girl I met 18 years ago. ’You look so young and hot Gina. That dress is unbelievable. I just hope you don’t run into any people from your company because they wouldn’t understand that dress!’ Gina said ‘I don’t care what they think. You asked me to get dressed up in club wear tonight to show off my tan and I want to look good for you, Tommy’. She winked a little wink as she made sure her knees were together and the hem of her dress wasn‘t hiked up too high. Girls do that. A lot.

‘You do look good. Real good.’ I said. ‘…and I can’t stop looking at you’.

‘I feel young, Tommy’. She then paused to think of her next words and said ‘…and I also have a surprise for you’.

I waited to see if she’d tell me but I think she wanted to be asked.

I waited a moment then just said ‘What kind of surprise?‘.

Gina said ‘Remember my teeny tan lines from my Bahamas trip last year? Well, I have even teenier ones now. I bought a Malibu Strings bikini and tanned my ass off in Miami! This thing was so small that I had to get a full Brazilian at this shop in South Beach but I left a little strip on top for you to enjoy’. Just then she pulled out her camera and said ‘Want to see?‘ and I felt my dick get just a little thicker at her comment. She said ‘don’t be mad, but here’s a couple of pics of me on South Beach with my new suit-I took them for you’. Gina then showed me a pic of herself in a white thong that was almost sheer and a matching top that barely covered her nipples. It had those easy access strings on the side like she always used to get and she looked almost black from that new, two day tan against her white bikini.

She was standing with her hands on her hips and she was dark & glistening. She looked in charge.

I said ’Holy shit, you look great, Gina! Is that sweat, water or tan lotion on you? And that semi sheer suit! Wow! I can see nipples and a little pube through that wet thing!’. There was a hot topless girl standing a few feet behind her and it looked like the perfect SoBe pic for a wife to share with her husband. Right then I realized that someone else had to have taken this picture so I asked ’Where was this taken and who took it?’.

Gina said ’just some guy who was hitting on me at South Beach. I know he was worked up because he was rudely checking me out for a whole hour as I baked in the sand and the front of his suit was revealing much about his dirty thoughts so, I thought I’d tease him by doing some crunches then slowly got up from my towel and without wiping a drop of sweat off myself, I sauntered over to him and asked if he’d take a few pics of me so I could send it to my husband in Jersey. He said “oh, your husband” with a disappointed tone’.

I told Gina ’Wow, you’re getting bold in your sexual prime!’ and she said ‘not as bold as he was!‘ and we both giggled.

Right then she turned off the camera and I asked her to show me the rest of her pics.

She said ’, save the batteries for the concert. I do have some pics that I want you to see though, so wait for me to show them to you, ok?

I knew that it had to be a sexy pic or something of that nature, but she already did send me a cell phone pic of herself naked in front of her Miami bathroom mirror-totally naked with one leg up on the counter. What could be more graphic than that? Then it dawned on me and I thought ’wait, she wasn’t tan in that cell pic. Hmm, she must have taken that when she just arrived at Miami’. I loved that pic of her. She looked 21 years old, horny and most important; she took that cell pic for me. I let that thought go by and looked out the window to see where we were. She gently sighed and rested her head back on the head rest and stared out the window.

After we got onto the Route 1&9 approach to the city she opened her window again. Once again, her hair wafted upward and gently fell to her shoulders every two or three seconds. It wasn’t like her to allow her hair to get out of place, but her thoughts were clearly in a distant place as she stared out at the New York skyline while approaching the Holland Tunnel. The little black club dress she was wearing was the hottest little thing that I’ve seen my beautiful wife ever wear. I mean this thing was pretty damn thin…almost sheer.

The material on this dress covered less skin than I have ever seen on her. The front and the back almost didn’t exist and Gina was the perfect subject to wear this revealing club dress on her ripped, tan body. Her heels were extra high that night as they were supported by a gold metal spike which lifted her perfect calves to a height that made her seem so tall. Her little clutch purse matched her heels with that same matte finished metal trim and was very small like a wallet. I thought ‘What would she possibly fit in there? I.D? A business card? One rubber? And those heels – they’ll hurt someone’. I remember tossing that thought off as; ‘Whatever. Ladies need their little purses and tall heels‘.

This was going to be a great date as we were on our way to see Jon and his 80’s Jersey Hair Band show at Madison Square Garden and stay overnight so the two of us could enjoy each other alone for a change. We needed some time away and were glad this night was finally here. Tonight was by far the hottest look that Gina has ever had – just the plunging neckline on the front of this club dress was enough to stop most men (and women) in their tracks. It certainly made the limo driver pause when he first opened the door for her back at our home. I know he was looking at her exposed back when she crouched to enter the limo. He saw me observe this and humbly looked away when he felt ‘caught’. I gave him a grin of politeness and just asked him drive slowly and to raise the privacy screen behind him so we could talk in back of the sedan while en route to New York City.

I remembered feeling cramped in the back seat and had to adjust my legs a few times but Gina was very still, and pensive with her thoughts as she gazed outward. I didn’t care about that skyline. I couldn’t help but stare at my tan bride. Her dress was so low cut that it came down right above her navel. You could even see the sculpted abs that Gina works so hard on. The cuts on her obliques even seemed extra dark from her tan. I couldn’t stop staring at my girl. She was really hot and I think she knew it, too. The material on her hem kept wafting upward like her hair and gave me a glimpse of her toned, tan thighs. The material on her low neckline also seemed so natural the way it rested on her perfect tits without ever really falling off. I remember thinking how I couldn’t wait to see those tan lines.

I admired her tan shoulders & the top of her back and was tempted to reach over and touch her there, but her eyes were too fixed on the skyline while her pointer finger lightly scratched at the dark wood trim of the limo door. It made a scratchy chaulk board sound, but she slowed her stroke as to reduce the noise. I just couldn’t interrupt her as she seemed deep in her thoughts.

Gina flattened the wind swept hem onto her leg and kept her left hand there to prevent the breeze from lifting it again. I was happy knowing she felt sexy and strong in that dress which she displayed an aura of confidence in.

When I complimented her again on how the dress looks so sexy on her tight little body, she returned with a glance suggesting she knew I was right. She said ’Tommy, I’m just worried that this will move off my chest and expose my tits. You have to keep an eye on that for me as we don’t need any embarrassing moments.’ Then she lifted her dress hem and showed me the front of her sheer, dark thong and laughed the words; ‘…cause too much exposure like this could be embarrassing!‘. ’Don’t worry babe‘ I said ‘I don’t think I can take my eyes away from you tonight. Gotcha covered’ and asked ‘can I see that again?’. She didn’t respond but did grin back and said ’My man looks great tonight too. I like when you wear open shirts under jackets like that. Those jeans are so much better than the Levi’s you always wear. We’re going to have fun at this concert tonight. Just me and you’.

’Yep’ I said. ’Just me and you’.

We were just exiting the tunnel now and knew that a quick turn onto 8th avenue would bring us right to Madison Square Garden. We prepared to exit the car as we approached the curb and Gina leaned into me and said ‘Let’s have fun. It’s our night’ then she licked the front of my lips like she was a cougar in heat.

I said ‘I love you’ and in a deep sexy tone she replied ‘I know…love you more. Let’s get in there and have a drink. I’m thirsty’.

It was warm in The Garden VIP entrance that night and Gina’s plunging neckline drew attention from all of the security guards at the doorway. They were patting down us VIP members and I saw one guard elbow another when Gina approached. I gave him a dirty look and said ‘No need for that, soldier. She’s not carrying an Uzi machine gun in there’. He looked a little mad but knew I was right and let her walk through without being touched. As for me, well, he and his buddy kicked my legs apart and rudely patted me down as if they owned this place. I told them to ‘..take easy or I’ll kick your ass’ but they just smirked as they both nudged the small of my back away from them by pushing me toward Gina at the VIP hallway.

We made our way up through the very dark inner VIP entrance and more security appeared present as well as a few more stares at my wife than I think she felt comfortable with but she held her head high and owned that hallway. She was anxious and walked ahead of me with the assumption that I was catching up.

I remember looking at her ass move differently with those extra high heels and felt that tingle in my jeans again. I caught up to my date and she reached over to hold my hand as we walked into the dark, narrow inner hallway. She carried that little purse with a self confidence like it was a gun holster and the sound her heels made with each step in that dark, draped hallway seemed deafening as the guards saw her coming.

One guard made a comment into his radio and right then they all put their little flashlights on the ground to pave the path for us to walk into an even narrower black draped hallway. Gina silently took their cue, let go of my hand and led the way by following their little beacons of light. We could hear the audience but could not tell how close we were. She walked in front of me as she followed the flashlights and just as she passed over one security guard‘s beam on the floor, his light moved up the back of her calves, passed over her ass continued upward totally showing her sculpted naked back leaving enough light to see the back of her hair. She turned back over her bare shoulder and I saw the light catch her blue eyes. She wiggled her eyebrows then smiled at me. I lost her eye contact as the light quickly adjusted downward onto her ass and brightly shown through her dress to reveal her T-back thong with that metal ring on it. One of the radios chirped and I realized that those security guys were telling each other to check out my Gina.

We did make it into the open lighted area and I just started to walk next to her as we briskly, but carefully tried to step over some thick black cables on the floor. Gina caught her heel on one cable and partially fell to her left. I was only able to glance at her as it happened and thought to myself that I still should have been holding her hand. She stuck out her right arm for balance which raised her purse in the air. The left side of her dress fell off her shoulder and I saw the exposure that she so feared earlier; her tanned left tit was fully out but thankfully, she just giggled out loud as she caught her balance and slipped that small, light material onto her shoulder. I remembered thinking how freaking narrow that tan line was on her left tit – that Malibu Strings suit must have BARELY covered her nips on the beach. I then realized what was a fresh, white tan line also had some new pink sunburn around her areola. It dawned on me right then; she was topless in South Beach so it’s no wonder strange men were hitting on her. I felt that tingle in my jeans again and thought ‘Damn, she looks Hot‘ and immediately wondered what SoBe pics she had saved on that camera for me to see later.

Gina quickly recovered from her fashion emergency and we continued on together with a grip between our hands that would prevent her from falling again. We moved toward our section and were pleasantly surprised our seats were so close to the side of the stage that we could feel the heat from the stage lights. It was great. I think the bright lights were showing my MILF’s sculpted body through her sheer club dress so much that security was keeping an extra eye on our section for that reason.

We got settled in our seats and a waitress immediately handed us two glasses of champagne. Gina quickly knocked it back and said ‘Could we just order a bottle while you‘re here?‘

I followed suit by devouring my champagne and we instinctively laughed then leaned in for a kiss.

Everyone around us knew she looked hot and the men in front of us were even taking an exorbitant amount of pre-show pics of their dates. It was clear to us that they were also trying to get shots of Gina as she looked like a Hollywood starlet on a magazine cover – and she knew it too. I swear that I thought she was pushing her chest outward every time those guys were taking pics of her. I discreetly touched the small of her exposed back and reached down to grab her ass and said ‘Are you teasing those guys with your perfect tits?‘.

She grinned and said ‘I’ll never tell!‘.

I too grinned, looked down and saw that her nipples were sticking out a bit while thinking that the room wasn’t cold at all so she must actually be turned on. Right then, I felt that tingle in my pants as I grew just a bit and rubbed up against the denim.

We both had a few glasses throughout the show and the slight buzz came-n-went throughout the long concert. It was definitely getting warmer in there with all the lights and champagne that we consumed. Gina knew all the lyrics and was dancing like an real JBJ fan which kept the attention of every man, woman and security guard within a fifty foot radius. She looked hot and I was proud. She had such a commanding look of strength that I never saw in her before. Was it the dress? Her tan? I think it was all of the above, but she really looked like someone who knew what she wanted out of this moment and she was achieving it. I felt that tingle again.

What a great night it was turning into. The band was ’on’ and the crowd requested JBJ to return to the stage twice. My date was the hottest thing in the room and everyone knew it. Even Jon. You see, he must have seen that she was attracting attention in our VIP seats because he pointed a finger directly at Gina during Born to be my Baby encore and did a little boxing move that Gina loves so much. My arm was around her shoulders, she giggled and nudged closer to me while shouting ’He pointed to me!’. Right then the lights got a little brighter and there we were being shown on the jumbo-tron screen above the stage. Gina’s lil black dress was taking the light in a way that made it look gold on the screen, then I realized, her most private parts were vaguely exposed by the lights. You could hear the swell of some male voices in our section make some cheers, but what felt the hottest was just when the lights were taken away from Gina, the woman behind us obviously didn’t realize we were the couple on the video and she yelled to her husband ’She was fuckin hott!’. I turned around just as he kissed his wife and felt her up a little bit in response to her comment. The sexual energy in that room was so high charged and everywhere we looked, people were making out. That was cool.

Ten minutes later, the lights came on and we watched the people from the nosebleed sections race to the exits. An older, handsome man from our section walked by our seats and handed Gina his card and said ’If you ever want to model for me, I’ll make it worth your while‘. She didn’t know what to say but did take his card, tilted her head downward to read it and gave a sexy ’Thanks’ as he continued on without stopping. That was weird, but complimentary none the less. She leaned close to me and said ’Wow, how flattering. I should I call him!’. I told her that he wanted more than just modeling from her and she sort of opened her eyes a little wider and realized she didn’t catch that through the surprise of it all (and considering her champagne buzz was still in play). We waited a minute as I called our limo driver’s cell phone but Gina saw my face and asked ‘what’s wrong?‘. I replied ‘nothing, the driver’s just not picking up his phone and this is the third time I’ve tried’. We stood by our VIP seats and watched the stage managers breaking down the stage at a rapid pace with the hope that our driver was going to call right back with his location.

As The Garden cleared out, a manager in a dark suit with an ‘All Access’ necklace approached our VIP section and said, “Mr. JBJ has a message for you. He has cancelled your limo and requests you join him in his car to have a drink back at the Four Seasons hotel”. It happened so fast, we couldn’t believe it. I think we both stuttered ‘Sure!‘ and Gina asked ‘What about our limo? Our overnight bags are in there’. The manager said ‘Mr Jon had them transferred from your car to his limo’. Gina and I looked at each other like ‘WTF just happened?‘ but we just went with it and followed the lead of the manager and his guard as they walked back toward those thick black cables on the floor. Gina walked ahead of me again, only this time she was a little disheveled.

Her T-back was exposed and her shoulders of that black dress were slipping off a bit to each side. As we stepped amongst the cables, she purposely turned her torso around toward me and pulled her dress aside to flash her sun tanned/burned nipple at me and said with a devilish voice “Oops!’. We both laughed at her second, but deliberate fashion emergency.

We started to walk arm in arm and Gina asked ‘Can we can believe this guy and are we really going down to Mister Jon’s limo?’. I said ’Don’t worry. I’m pretty sure he’s not lying’.

We were rushed backstage by two new guards who were ’on us’ then were moved through a very large group of some jealous looking fans toward the drapery which was blocking what looked like a line of limos.

One guy said ‘nice tits’ and his wife hit him in his chest with her closed fist for being so rude and just said ‘shut up!’. Gina thought that had meant she had another fashion emergency and checked to see that her dress didn’t fall again. It didn’t. We were whisked away from the crowd by two more large guards and escorted to the rear driver’s side door of a black stretch limo with the darkest windows I have ever seen. Gina looked at me with excitement, put her hand to her mouth to let a little Champagne hiccup sneak out and said ‘I can’t believe this is happening!‘.

I couldn’t believe it either. This was straight out of a Rolling Stone magazine expose’ on what really goes on behind the stage of rock stars shows. Like an arresting police officer, the security guard opened the door and firmly steered Gina’s exposed back downward into the rear bench seat of this extra tall stretch limo and as she entered head first, I heard her exclaim ‘Oh!’. I think that was the precise moment I knew this night was going to be one wild night.

I was also pushed downward into the back seat and when I sat, I looked to my right and saw Jon on the far right side of the seat welcoming Gina and reaching over her lap to extend his right hand to me. He looked like he just got a shower and a blow dry backstage and even smelled of some fresh cologne.

He said ‘I saw that you were creating a ruckus in the VIP with that dress, darlin’ and I had to ask you to meet me. I’m glad that you came. Where are you guys from?’. Gina couldn’t answer as she was in awe with who was sitting to her right so I thought I’d answer; ‘I’m Tommy and this is Gina. We’re from central Jersey. Gina’s been a fan since you both had big hair! Tonight’s show was great…thanks for a good time’, I said.

Jon thanked me with a smirk and said ‘I just wish we played better tonight…but your good time is not over yet – that is, if you don’t want it to be’. Right then he put his hand on Gina’s leg and said ‘Want some Cristal?’. Gina finally was able to make a sound and said ‘Sure! I’ll have whatever you are having, Jon’. His reply was devilish when he put his left arm around her shoulders and said ‘I’ll share anything of mine with you tonight, hottie’. She instinctively purred ‘Anything, Jon?’. He said ‘Everything, Gina’ then winked a horny little wink that I know immediately made her wet.

Jon opened the prepared bottle of Cristal and sipped it straight from the rim as if to approve it’s quality before serving. He handed Gina a glass of crystal in the hope that she’d hold it while he poured, but she cutely dropped it on his lap and reached for the bottle with her right hand. She, like Jon just did, swigged straight from the bottle and said ‘We don’t need the champagne flutes, Jon‘.

Jon appeared surprised at this aggressive response and leaned forward to shake his head a little. He then purged some words that he was holding back and just came right out to say ‘Girl, you couldn’t be more real of a Jersey Girl than that. Ha-ha!‘. He snapped the bottle from her, passed it to me and said ‘You‘ve got yourself a live wire here, Tommy‘. I took a swig and passed it back to him while saying ‘yeah..I love her a lot…she’s pretty real, and look at her!’. Jon replied ‘I’ve been looking at her…for the last few hours, Tommy’. Just then he took back the bottle, he came right out of the blue with his next move. He aggressively put his left arm around her, which cause her to lean forward to allow access, he landed his left hand on her left hip and yanked her in toward his body. He asked ‘Can I kiss her, Tommy?’.

Of course I said ‘Jon, this is Gina’s greatest fantasy and I want her to enjoy it. Just don’t start what you can’t finish’. She looked up at him and he opened his lips just a bit and she responded with the same. It lasted for just a moment, but I knew she loved it. Jon made a sound from his throat that was a sound of satisfaction and right after the kiss was done, she looked toward me and snuck out another one of those Champagne hiccups. Hers eyes were lustful and glossy from the champagne. He then looked over at me again and coyly said ’..and what would happen if I accidentally spilled some Cristal on Gina?’. I explained that ‘Well, you’d better make sure you clean up any mess that you make. Just whatever you do, do it for her pleasure. Go ahead. What are you waiting for?’ I said with a bit of a commanding tone that I immediately regretted using. Gina’s mouth opened in an instant was in awe of what she was getting setup to be a part of.

Right then, it got startlingly dark as the limo was pulling underground to the hotel garage. The dim, purple interior lights automatically came on and there she was, with his hand resting the champagne bottle on her right thigh and Jon was kissing Gina again. But this wasn’t just any kiss. It was a full open mouth, entangled tongues and a heavy nose breathing kiss that was nothing but carnally desirous and animalistic. I could not believe what was unfolding before my eyes and was so turned on knowing that Gina was getting off on this moment. Jon then moved the tip of the bottle toward her dress’s top and rubbed the tip of the bottle over her dress’s material then sort of wiggled it around her covered nipple.

Gina let out a sound that I never heard before – as if she uncontrollably came a bit, but I know she didn’t. It was totally erotic knowing what was happening to my hot wife. I think Jon took that sound as Gina’s cue to keep moving in this direction. He moved her dress top aside so he could drip a few drops of Cristal on her perfectly erected left tit that he just raised to full attention (and that he was so obviously interested in). Right then she arched her back a bit.

Jon slipped a little lower in his leather seat and leaned down to lick the freshly spilled Cristal all the way from the top of her abs to the underside of her boob then all the way up to her totally erect nip. He moaned ‘nice abs’ as he paused under the bottom of her breast and enjoyed cleaning her with his mouth. She appeared thankful for that as she lightly groaned again from a last little suck he did to her sunburned nipple. She moaned yet again as he made a ‘smack’ noise while treating her by briskly wiggling her nipple with his tongue and giving her a quick little suck. She was staring down at his sucking and let out a little ‘Uhh’ sound that suggested he was too abrasive with her sensitive pink skin. He then moved back up to her mouth for another deep kiss which was just a noisy as the last one. I watched as Gina slightly bucked her hips toward John’s right hand that was holding the Cristal bottle and it made the base of the bottle move from her thigh top right onto what was most likely her aching wet spot. Her back arched slightly more and she too slid down the leather seat a little bit. Her response being a forward hip grind as if to insist ’push it a little harder into me’ and her dress was totally NOT covering her tan/burned breasts anymore. She looked so beautiful and was so turned on that her eyes sort of rolled back, her eye lids fluttered shut and her head leaned back on the black leather seatback in the limo as Jon‘s tongue reached the back of her mouth.

Gina aggressively slid Jon’s wrist downward from the wet bottle top toward her inner thigh (now hiked up dress) then moaned some inaudible command while his mouth was still fully engulfing hers.

I think what Gina said to him was ‘she’s so wet for you’ but I couldn’t really make the words out.

Gina wanted to be touched by him and made no bones about it by moving her hips back-n-forth so quickly. He almost spilled that $600 full bottle of Cristal on her and quickly rested it against the outside of her left hip (sort of between her and me) because he obviously still had plans for that champagne and Gina‘s body. Jon even made a ‘Mmm’ noise that was seemingly surprising from such a powerful rock star. I suppose that he wasn’t used to such a hot chick directing him what to do. In fact, I never saw Gina take such command before. Not just in the way she was grinding her hips into Jon’s hand. It was in the way she was making audible commands. I felt a tinge of jealousy, but I was proud of her for taking what she wanted. She was really starting to act ‘in charge’ and that was so hot watching her let her hair down to enjoy this moment in her own way. Gina’s right hand was running thru Jon’s tussled hair and he moved away from her sensuous mouth to bite the side of her neck. She moved her head around like she was stretching her neck, but made sure to stay still enough to receive this pleasure.

She opened her eyes during this heated moment and let her head fall over toward her left at me as if to say ‘I got lost in the moment and forgot you were even here’. Her eyes looked apologetic and she put her left hand on my thigh and in a hushed, deep breath said, ‘Tommy, is this ok? Can I do this? I want to go all the way with this. Let me. I know I’m a little drunk, but I do want him’. I leaned into her and whispered into her left ear ‘Of course it’s ok. You’ve always wanted this. You have to do this. Just do it your way and make it memorable. You have to fuck him”.

Gina sort of nudged Jon’s head aside while he was nibbling her neck and steered his head down so his mouth was back onto her nipple and right then she kissed me deep and hard. Gina pulled back, looked me in the eye, bumped her forehead into mine and said “this is just sex, but us; we have Love, right?’.

I replied ‘Right…enjoy this moment and it will be our little secret that you fucked Jon tonight. I love you’.

Jon looked up from licking Gina’s perfect tit and said firmly ‘You both realize this fantasy of your does have to remain a secret forever, right?’

Gina just pulled his hair and brought his head up to hers and kissed him so deeply that it made a slurping noise that was so sexy. It was forceful. Not really romantic, and pretty hard-core…like a porn movie. But she still evoked the feminine, lady-like qualities of the girl that I always knew. There was no doubt that she was allowing this stranger to provide her pleasure. This stranger with whom she’d wanted to sleep with for years. But she was not going to be treated like some groupie whore. It was happening fast and it was obvious that this was going to primarily be about her pleasure and on her terms. I could see her bicep tightening as she squeezed his hair and pulled his head even deeper to mingle her generous tongue into the back of his throat now.

At this point, I didn’t think Gina would be able to wait to get up to the hotel room. This was unbelievable that she was letting herself go and that she was taking charge of the moment. It seemed so out of her character, but she clearly did want to fuck Jon and how could I deny her of this basic animalistic desire that she had since she was a teenager? It was in her eyes, but it seemed animalistic because her behavior also turned from a physical suggestion to an aggressive verbal request that that she was wanting him.

Just then, Gina surprised us by saying ‘This is my fantasy and I am going to live it out tonight. How is this fantasy going down?’.

Jon said ‘I can start dripping more Cristal on you. I think you liked that when I licked it off of you‘ Jon continued ‘… that got me hard and I know it made you wet’. ‘But, only you can say how you want your fantasy to play out Gina. You need to direct some of this‘.

She looked at me and I agreed; ‘Only you can say, Gina’.

He then took that bottle and carelessly poured some right down the center of her cleavage. Gina she wiggled like a serpent then groaned with a sexually mature purr; ‘Mmm…I‘m all yours‘.

So much drizzled down to her abs this time that it even made it’s way down to her twat and she sort of giggled from the tingle of the bubbles. She quickly went straight faced then squirmed around just a bit when she realized how fuzzy that cool bubbly felt down there on her burning warm spot. Man, she was SO in charge-I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing. It made me so hard. I couldn’t stand it any longer and leaned down to suck some bubbly from one of her now fully exposed nipples. John went right for her neck again and she said ‘Easy! Don’t leave marks!’.

I peered down from taking that quick lick off her chest and his two fingers were gently rubbing the surface of her thin T-back which was once again met with an immediate hip grind. Gina let out that new, unfamiliar groan which I’ve never heard when making love to her and I wasn’t sure if it made me jealous or more turned on. Maybe both. I wasn’t sure.

Jon retreated from her neck and his jaw dropped for a moment. He exhaled and said: ‘Gina, my security is beeping my cell. That means we’re almost in the hotel now. Maybe this should continue upstairs. What I really need to do is be discreet when we exit this stretch limo…there may be paparazzi nearby. I think you and Tommy should walk arm in arm and I‘ll follow. I may have to separate from you then meet you up in my suite. But, I do want you to know that when we get upstairs, we are going to go through with our rock-n-roll fantasy tonight. Understand?’.

Gina said ‘Our fantasy?’.

Jon replied ‘Yes, Our Fantasy’.

Right then, we heard a loud bang then a bright flash from the side window. Gina purposely moved lower on the bench seat -almost horizontal- as if to hide herself. John said ‘Fuck. It’s the paparazzo but don’t worry, this glass is so dark that no pictures are possible’. Gina said ‘What was that bang?’. Jon explained that ‘..the paparazzo hits the car hard so you look right into their cameras with fear when they take their picture. Most people fall for this ploy which makes for good photo sales to the tabloids. ‘They suck’ he said.

‘Really?’ Gina said. ’They are right outside of this window and they can’t see us?’ she asked. ‘Yeah’ he said. ‘It’s fucked up, isn’t it?’.

‘No!’ Gina exclaimed. ‘It’s HOT.’ And she lifted herself on her elbows and arched her back as if she wanted us to see her perfect tits push skyward. Gina’s pussy was slightly visible from our point of view and I was dying to see it. I know Jon was too. One thing is for sure; Gina was definitely wet from all of that foreplay.

Just then she moved her legs slightly apart and we were in heaven getting a view of our champagne girl’s wetness glistening from the lighting of the purple crystal ceiling lights. It was obvious Jon really made her wet and there was no stopping her now. It was like a scene from a porno, but my beautiful wife was the one starring in it. God I loved seeing Gina like that.

Jon asked us to be ready to get upstairs and clean up because he had plans for Gina up there. He again politely asked for my permission to take this to the next level by saying ‘Are you cool with this fantasy? I really want to fuck her, but I want to be respectful’. I reached across Gina, grabbed his arm firmly this time and said ‘Jon, I can’t be anymore clear than this: this is Gina’s fantasy and she is getting fucked by you tonight‘.

Jon grinned and asked ‘Is there anything in particular that she likes?‘ And I replied, ‘I think if you started to finger her right now, she may give you a sexual command or two. I think she knows what she wants from you, but she probably is just a little shy about saying it. Go ahead, Jon. Slip your hand in her panties and give her what she wants’. I once again realized I said that a little forcefully to a guy who isn’t used to getting spoken to that way. Jon seemed apprehensive and said ‘Is she really ready to go all the way with this? Is this cool with you being here?‘.

Gina was leaning way back on her elbows by now because she was scooted so low in the leather seat and she looked up at Jon in disbelief. From what I can gather, she was looking at him with an expression that screamed: your hands have been in my pants and your tongue down my throat – of course I’m ready. She probably felt a little vulnerable as well. But this commentary about him fingering her did make her lean up a little higher on the back of her elbows because she really did want to listen to this part of her rock-n-roll fantasy. Gina slid her right hand across the side of his thigh and firmly commanded him ‘Go ahead Jon. I feel safe with him here’. Right then, Jon leaned in downward and pretty close to Gina’s face as she responded with an open mouth to kiss him, but he retreated from allowing the kiss and just stared her closely in the eyes while he slid his hand from her lower abs right into the top of her T-back panties. He reached pretty low inside and she grunted with pure pleasure this time. She once again met his hand with a grinding hip response and she sent her tongue in the air as if she wanted Jon’s to meet her half way. He backed away just a little bit and said ‘Gina, you need to tell me details so this fantasy can be fulfilling. Tell me while I finger you’.

Right then Gina abruptly moved which caused him to remove his hand from her warm pussy. Gina quickly and clumsily tried to peel her panties off and looked over at me and said ‘I want him now. Help me get these off – and you sure this ok?’ she asked (as if she really cared about my response at that point). ‘Fuck him’ I requested and I obliged her by helping to rapidly peel her panties down her right leg which made her hip rise. Her panties were dangling from her left leg but it didn’t matter to her. They were off.

Jon took that opportunity to lean down and lick her just above her small strip of pubes and injected his fingers into Gina’s wetness once again. I saw him licking her golden skin that still glistened from Cristal and could tell he was wiggling his fingers in a ‘come here’ fashion. I gave her nipple a little rub with two fingers but quickly retreated as not to interrupt Gina. She was now staring down her torso at Jon’s hand with such a laser focus and was breathing very heavy at this point and moved her left hand onto the top of his and pushed it in even deeper…as if she couldn’t get enough of Jon’s fingering. I’ve never seen her do that. Gina then said ‘You are making me so wet, Jon. Let’s get rid of all of these clothes so you can fuck me on this leather seat. Fuck me. Pleease, just fuck me’, she groaned while gritting her teeth.

Jon replied ‘Easy there skinny girl! I still have something that I want to perform on you and I didn’t even get to taste you yet’ while he slid his fingers in and out of his tanned beauty. Gina said ‘Hurry Jon, you can do both at the same time. Finger me Jon…and don’t stop. Finger me and eat me at the same time…just do it now Jon. I need you to make me cum’ she groaned. ‘Make me cum’.

Just then, he got down to the limo’s fur lined floor and helped Gina remove her dress over her head and kissed her nipples while their four hands clumsily slid this club dress over her now tussled hair. Jon firmly pushed her back into the leather seat and she was now basically laying back with her legs spread and her arms were resting above her head. Her knees were high and her heels were sort of dangling and pointing at him like those little security guard lights in that dark VIP hallway back at the Garden. Her head was the only part of her which wasn’t horizontal as it was resting on the seat back looking down her abdomen at Jon’s second performance of the night. She slid one hand onto her stomach and didn’t realize she was sort of tickling one of her ab indents much like her finger did on the limo door en route to New York. Gina said with a strong, purposeful tone: ‘Touch me Jon. Do anything you want. I’m all yours’ then moved her legs so far apart that her left leg slumped over the top of mine leaving that little T-back to hang off her knee and lay on my leg while her heel dug into Jon‘s Super-Man tattoo.

He let out an ‘Ouch!’ then said ’I want to taste you..’ as he worked his fingers back into her steaming cunt. ’Eat me Jon’ she said with a more believably bossy tone. ‘Make me cum with your mouth Jon’. ‘Make me cum‘.

Jon went face first into my wife only to come up for a second and say ‘You taste so sweet…can’t wait to be inside you‘ Then he slid his two fingers deep into her and said ‘Cum for me Gina. Cumm harrd’ with a vibrato voice as he plunged his fingers into her like a rapid fire piston. Her head arched back and her eyes rolled into her head once again. She grabbed the material on the side of my jacket with her left hand like she was making the tightest fist possible. Her right hand slumped off her abs toward her inner right thigh in an effort to put her hand onto his now tussled hair. She fumbled for a moment because her eyes were partially closed but she found his head and grabbed a fistful of hair, pulled his face deep into her and let out the most intense ’uhh…don’t stop’ I’ve ever heard her say.

She was going to cum and it was going to happen soon.

An unfamiliar cell phone rang and Jon rapidly removed his mouth and fingers from my beautiful wife and she moaned from displeasure.

He frowned, picked up his phone then said into the receiver; ‘What? Here? Ok. Do it now’. He paused while listening to the phone and said ’She’s HERE? Shit’. He then took a swig from the Cristal bottle, wiped his face with his forearm and muttered ‘Sorry…for now. See you upstairs. Please don’t leave this hotel’ then grabbed his leather coat and bolted out the limo door. Gina looked at me with that ‘WTF just happened’ look again. Gina grabbed her small club dress to cover herself up but there just wasn‘t enough material to do this. She quickly picked her dress off the tall seatback and attempted to pull it back on. I had to help her. She sighed in disgust over this interruption and obvious sexual angst. Just then, a security guard hopped in and the car moved onward. I pulled her onto my lap as she was clearly uncomfortable with this security guy next to her half naked body. We asked the security guy ‘what just happened?’. He said that this is common and Jon had to outrun the paparazzi through a secret rear entrance and then you’ll get escorted to the front entrance. He firmly said to me ‘get that hottie dressed and be ready to walk arm in arm into the hotel. Only take this access card out of your pocket if you are presented with a similar looking card by the private security guards inside. I will be talking to them on the radio so they know that you are coming. I probably don’t have to say this part, but NOBODY is to know this evening ever happened, understood?’

The car stopped and the guard stepped out and said ‘Wait here and don’t open the door. I‘ll be back in a minute‘ . Gina brushed her hair back with one rake of her fingers but had some hair still in her eyes. I brushed that away for her and she quickly slipped her panties all the way off her left leg and put them into my jacket pocket. She said ‘I don’t think I’ll be needing these tonight’ and kissed me with the most meaningful, thankful kiss that I‘ve received from her in years. The door swung open and we were in the public view of some fans, photographers and a few security and doormen. We exited the car were briskly escorted toward the foyer. We were put into the elevator by ourselves and the door closed behind us.

On the way up to the Penthouse floor, Gina’s clutch purse opened a bit and her camera was visible. I reached for it and said ’are you going to show me those pics from SoBe?’. She hadn’t lost that horny, devilish grin and she said yeah, check ‘em out. I was a bad girl in some of those pics!’ I asked her ‘What kind of bad?’ She paused and didn’t want to say but made an expression suggesting that she ____. I asked again with a grin and she replied ‘Well, you said I should explore my wild side, it was hot out, it was late, everyone was swapping dance partners, I ____and I was drinking vodka Cosmos so I kind of let things get away from me when he started to ____me in the club. I couldn’t help but ___ right back and that started it all. It was so hot and exhilarating to know that I was alone and vulnerable in Miami yet it was liberating to _____ knowing nobody would ever know I ____‘. I said ’Right in the club?‘ and how old were they?‘ I asked. She explained ‘Well, it started with me kinda dancing on one of those dark stages because a couple of the young club hunks chanted The Cougar’s Got Ta Dance and the younger muscular one picked me up and placed me on the small, two person stage in that dark section of the dance floor. We were off to the side and it was kinda dark with black drapes all around’. ‘Was anybody around?‘ I asked and she said ‘Sure, they were just a few feet away on the other side of the black sheer drapes but Tommy, ya gotta understand that they were all in their own world either dancing, grabbing ass, making out, fingering, sucking and fucking each other all over that place. Ya need to go there with me!‘. ‘How old were they, Gina?‘ She replied ‘I’m not sure, because I was pretty vodka buzzed, it was dark and so much of that night was centered around dancing in the dark areas that nobody could really see each other but I‘d be surprised if they were older that 25‘. ‘He kept coming up and putting $20 bills down the front of my dress while I bumped and grinded. I asked him to take some pics with my camera so I could show you that I did it. He said ‘take pics for your husband?‘ and I winked at him with an aggressive expression suggesting that I was in charge and that it was ok. He held onto the camera and just kept snapping away. He came back to show me the pic from when I flashed for your picture he was taking and when he got close to talk in my ear he said ____. I was surprised but felt kind of tingly that someone wanted me to ____ so I simply ____ and tossed ____ and spun around facing away then squatted back down to face him and asked ’is that what you meant?’ He replied ‘No. I meant Hard Core–let me slip all these $20’s in your g-string for encouragement’. That’s when things got crazy right there, Tommy‘. My jaw dropped and I needed to see those pics of her solo act down in Miami. I said ‘What a hot little Cougar my Gina’s turned into!‘ and I asked to see the pictures so she handed me the camera and said ‘I hope I don’t regret being honest about this because ____ and the pics are for your eyes only, right babe?’. ‘I’ll always love you for your honesty, Gina’ and we kissed another deep kiss that felt again like it had meaning. Gina said ‘___’ and I squeezed her ass as we watched our elevator ascend rapidly.

We were at about the 15th floor when I realized our luggage was left in the limo that just pulled away. Gina said ‘What the F!’. ‘That driver better not lose our shit!’. And Gina asked me to go back to the foyer and get the security team to call the limo back to the hotel. I asked her ‘Are you ok going up to Jon’s room alone??’. Gina replied ‘I can take care of myself, I’ll be fine.’. And I continued to the lobby 30 floors below. I wondered, but I didn’t worry. After all, she was with Jon and I knew that she wanted to be with him alone. I loved her and that’s all that mattered.

My hottie went up to that penthouse in that black revealing dress and when she knocked on the door, she was met by Jon’s security who said ‘Jon is waiting for you in the bathtub’. Immediately that made Gina feel butterflies in her stomach, but because she was still buzzing from the champagne earlier, she was very excited to just have this time with Jon and wanted to take the next step. She was glad Jon decided to take a bath because she was all sticky from the Cristal in the limo and now she thought she would smell fresh for him. Jon was the perfect gentleman, having a robe waiting for Gina and a glass of champagne on the bed of roses. Gina once again took her dress off, kept her heels on, picked up the glass of champagne and walked into the bathroom to the sight of Jon sitting on what looked like a rocky small waterfall type tub with water cascading over him down into the tub. Gina was once again awestruck at the visual of her fantasy rock star fully exposed for her to see. Jon had a champagne bottle, was smiling and invited her in the tub. Knowing this was probably her only chance to be with Jon in any physical way, she took charge, slipped off her heels and slipped into the tub, rubbing the front of her body against his. He grabbed her hips as she semi straddled him, brought her torso to his mouth and just before kissing her abs, he said ‘____‘ and let out that groan he did in the limo. She loved the hot water falling across them and moaned at it’s warmth. He asked ‘Do you want me to ____ ?‘ Right then she purred and tilted her head back while she leaned her hips toward his face. Without even making eye contact, she poured her champagne down her front so he could catch it down there. He did. And he ____ like a little ___. She grabbed his hair again and he started to get more aggressive with his mouth. Like in the limo, she pulled his head in closer and he started to do his magic with his fingers again. There was no stopping her now as she reached back, felt him get hard and that turned her on even more. She ___ his ___while he gently engulfed her perfect tits with his mouth. She loved the way he sucked her and even said ‘you ___ so ___.’ After they had some foreplay in the tub by her ___ him then Jon ___ her. Gina suggested they make their way to the beautiful pillow-top king bed, in order to conclude this fantasy. Without any caution, she commanded that he make love to her by telling him ‘It’s your turn to cum’. So he replied by saying ‘let‘s cum together, baby were on fire‘. He helped her out of the waterfall tub by picking her up in his arms and gently set her down on the edge so her feet touched the ground. He reached for a towel and they both shared it’s ends to wipe their faces of water. He was standing directly in front of her with his knees leaning into hers while she sat and he held his ___ while suggesting she ___. Without pause, she opened _____ and he let out a noise that sounded ___. After two minutes of vigorous ____ she abruptly stopped____ him, stood up in front of him and said ‘don’t cum baby. I want you inside of me‘ and he followed her when she tugged his towel toward the direction of the bedroom. She never thought that he would penetrate her without a rubber but they were so into each other neither of them thought of it (or if Jon did, he didn’t mention it). Once next to the bed, their roles changed and he took charge by gently, but with some authority grabbed her hair and said ___. Her grin gave him the approval he was seeking and she proceeded to move into a ____ pose so he could ____. It didn’t take long for her to ____ the first time but he was still ____ and just continued to ____. When her arousal came over her, she became short of breath, said ‘Jon, just ____ me and please make it ____‘. He was like a marathon man just pleasing her by ___ over-n-over while she just ___ in pure extasy not believing that Jon was ___ . He pulled her up, he sat on the edge of the bed and she mounted ____ in that favorite _____ that she likes so much. Her one arm was clenching his neck while her other hand___. While putting her face up close, she moaned ‘Jon, ___ and make it ___‘ He did and he would wouldn’t stop ____ as their breathing was getting out of control. She had to wipe some sweaty hair away from her eyes and he reached up to help her finish doing that so she could keep her arms around his neck while plunging her ___ into ____. His hand grabbed her tiny ass and pulled ____ with such ___ while Gina loudly gushed a warm moan out of her while telling him ‘____ ___Jon…don’t stop…just ____!’. He did start to swell and cum in her loudly too just as she started to cum some more. The breathing, the warmth from orgasm, the sweaty skin and sexual talk filled the suite that Gina found herself in.

They both exhaled heavily. He leaned in and with a drop of sweat dripping off his chin onto her abs he said ’Gina, you kiss great too’ and she said ‘Just kiss me, don’t talk‘ and she started to make out with a deep, meaningful kiss like she gave Tommy earlier. When it was over, they were sweaty and once again kissed deeply almost like they were in love. Just like she fantasized a million times. His ____ started to ____ and she ___. He said ‘I haven’t done this in 19 years since I was with someone else Gina, so forgive me if I seemed a little out of practice’. Gina said ‘19 Years? Me too!‘ and explained that ____ but she had ____ her husband. ‘You certainly didn’t fuck like you were out of practice, though!‘ and they both laughed hard. He asked her if she wanted to join him in the shower and she was more than happy to. He let her get in first and just looked at her through the glass. She said ‘Why don’t you ____, Jon?‘ and he replied ‘I just like to watch you, Gina’. He then stepped into the steam shower gave her a brief back massage then she obliged by ____ and asked him if it was ok if she could ___ . Just as they were both stepping out of the shower and putting their robes on, Tommy came into the suite, luggage in-hand. While he was half a room away, he knew he stepped into either the beginning of a sex act or the end of one. The look on Tommy’s face looked like he just missed something big. He did. Her robe was pretty much open and the feeling in the room gave a sense of casual comfort about what just took place. Gina gave him a big smile as she and Jon came toward the open suite. Jon moved toward the chair and Gina very naturally sat on Jon’s lap – it was almost as if she belonged to Jon. Her expression displayed a feeling of gratitude and Tommy knew her fantasy was fulfilled. Tommy said ‘Well, did you enjoy yourself Gina?’ and she deeply whispered ‘With ___ and___ and no regrets, babe‘. ‘Like you said, it was just sex‘. I asked ‘where’, and she said ‘In the bathroom and on that bed’. Jon said ‘That‘s kind of nice to hear‘. You‘re a lucky man, Tommy‘. Right then and with no reservation, she grabbed ___ kissed ___ and Gina spun around to prance into the bedroom to start dressing. Jon offered me some champagne and asked if we had kids as we sat and talked for a bit in the sitting room. Gina was wondering what we were talking about. She hoped that we talked about mindless things, maybe musical interests and kept glancing in our direction just wondering what was being discussed. Then Jon asked me if I could stay in NY over night or did he need to head home to my kids? He said he was headed to LA tonight and asked if I wanted this suite for the night. Gina came out of the bedroom and said “Honey are you ready?” To which I replied, well, it depends, are you going to take him up on his offer?’ She replied ‘of course I will. Let’s spend the night together in Jon’s suite and I can tell you all about my fantasy, play by play, just like it happened on that bed’. Then Jon proceeded to the changing room to get dressed. He quickly rushed back into our sitting room, gave a wink, a grin and a slight kiss to Gina while saying ‘Thanks Darlin’ as he handed me his card and left. Gina exhaled as I opened another bottle of champagne and we just started to laugh out loud. Gina asked ’Tommy, we could cuddle on the couch?’. I replied ‘Sure, I want to share every detail about what happened on this One Wild Night, Darlin!’

– The End

By Daniel and Ann ([email protected])

This story Tommy and Gina’s Story: One Wild Night appeared first on new sex story dot com